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Mapping and Assessment of Sealing Rate of Soils in the City of Volgograd


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The results of mapping and assessing the sealing rate of soils in the city of Volgograd (Russian Federation) are presented. Soil mapping is based on the interpretation of satellite photographs with further control of its results by field surveys at 35 plots within different functional zones of the city. According to the results of the interpretation of satellite images, the portion of sealed areas determined for the functional zones ranged from 0 to 99%, including soils under buildings and roads. The MapInfoProfessional 10.0 software was used to process the obtained data. Based on the results of this assessment, which was performed for the first time within the new boundaries of the city, we quantified the areas of particular soil types and associations of both natural and anthropogenic origin, as well as the sealing rate of soils. The natural soils in Volgograd are dominated (25.86%) by chestnut soils of various texture and alkalinity [23] (Cambisols and Cambisols (Sodic)), and there are 18.67% of natural surface-transformed textural-carbonate agrozems (Cambisols (Aric, Protocalcic)). The range of anthropogenically transformed soils is wide, including the sealed soils (Ekranic Technosols), urbostratozems (Urbic Technosols), chemically contaminated urbostratozems (Technosols (Toxic)), and quasizems (Urbic Technosols). Anthropogenically transformed soils mostly occur in the eastern part of the city, and natural soils dominate its western part. The total portion of sealed surfaces is 18% of the Volgograd area. The calculation is based on the assessment for particular functional zones of the city. The results can be used to solve problems of spatial planning within the modern functional zones and implementation of works on gardening and landscaping of the urban area.
机译:提出了伏尔加格勒市(俄罗斯联邦)中土壤密封率的绘图和评估的结果。土壤映射是基于卫星照片的解释,通过在城市的不同功能区内的35个地块中进一步控制其结果。根据卫星图像解释的结果,针对功能区确定的密封区域的部分范围为0至99%,包括建筑物和道路下的土壤。 MapInFoProjEtional 10.0软件用于处理所获得的数据。根据本评估的结果,这是第一次在城市的新界限内进行,我们量化了天然和人为来源的特定土壤类​​型和关联的领域,以及土壤的密封率。伏尔加格勒中的天然土壤由各种质地和碱度的栗子土壤支配(25.86%)[23](康巴斯和樟树(辣椒)),有18.67%的天然表面转化的纹理 - 碳酸盐农学院(柬暗(ARIC) protocalcic))。人为转化的土壤范围宽,包括密封的土壤(Ekranic Technols),Urbostratozems(URBIC Technosols),化学污染的Urbostratozems(Technosols(毒性))和Quasizems(URBIC Technosols)。人为转化的土壤主要发生在城市的东部,天然土壤占主导地位。密封表面的总部分是伏尔加格勒地区的18%。该计算基于城市特定功能区的评估。结果可用于解决现代功能区内空间规划问题,并在城市地区的园艺和园林绿化方面的实施。



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