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Coastal Hypoxia and the Importance of Benthic Macrofauna Communities for Ecosystem Functioning

机译:沿海缺氧和Benthic Macrofauna社区生态系统功能的重要性

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Coastal ecosystems are important because of the vital ecosystem functions and services they provide, but many are threatened by eutrophication and hypoxia. This results in loss of biodiversity and subsequent changes in ecosystem functioning. Consequently, the need for empirical field studies regarding biodiversity-ecosystem functioning in coastal areas has been emphasized. The present field study quantified the links between benthic macrofaunal communities (abundance, biomass, and species richness), sediment oxygen consumption, and solute fluxes (NO3- + NO2-, NH4+, PO43-, SiO4, Fe, Mn) along a 7.5-km natural gradient of seasonal hypoxia in the coastal northern Baltic Sea. Sampling was done in late August 2010 in the middle archipelago zone of the Hanko peninsula, Finland. As predicted, the macrofaunal communities were decimated with increasing hypoxia, and the nutrient transformation processes were changed at the sediment-water interface, with notably higher effluxes of phosphate and ammonium from the sediment. Solute fluxes varied even during normoxia, which implies a high context-dependency, and could be explained by even small variations in environmental variables such as organic matter and C/N ratios. Importantly, the low diversity benthic macrofaunal communities, which were dominated by Macoma balthica and the invasive Marenzelleria spp., had a large influence on the solute fluxes, especially under normoxia, but also under hypoxia.
机译:由于他们提供的重要生态系统功能和服务,沿海生态系统很重要,但许多人受到富营养化和缺氧的威胁。这导致生物多样性的丧失和后续生态系统功能的变化。因此,强调了对沿海地区生物多样性 - 生态系统在沿海地区发挥作用的实证领域研究的需求。本田间研究量化了底栖宏观社区(丰富,生物质和物种丰富),沉积物氧消耗和溶质通量(NO3- + NO2-,NH4 +,PO43-,SIO4,FE,MN)之间的联系.7.5-沿海北部波罗的海的季节性缺氧的km自然梯度。抽样是在2010年8月下旬在芬兰汉诺岛半岛的中部群岛区进行的。如预期的那样,巨乳群落随着缺氧的增加被抽取,并且在沉积物 - 水界面处改变营养转化过程,从沉淀物中具有特别高的磷酸盐和铵的流出。溶液助熔剂即使在常氧时也变化,这意味着高上下文依赖性,并且可以通过诸如有机物质和C / N比的环境变量的甚至小变化来解释。重要的是,低多样性底栖宏指令群落,其由MacaMa Balthica和侵袭性马铃薯属SPP占主导地位。对溶质丝润有很大影响,特别是在常氧,而且在缺氧下。



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