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Host-Plant Specific Feeding Relationships and Insect Developmental Stage Modulate the Impact of Rainfall on Diamondback Moth Larvae


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The impact of simulated rainfall on diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), larvae depends on their stage-specific feeding behavior, physical characteristics, and host plants. Neonates released at typical oviposition sites on Chinese cabbage (Brassica raps var. pekinensis L. [Brassicales: Brassicaceae]) plants moved less (3-72 cm) and spend shorter periods (>1 h) than it has been previously reported for common cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitate L. [Brassicales: Brassicaceae]) (>80 cm and >3 h, respectively) before establishing feeding sites. On both host plants, larvae spent longer on the abaxial surfaces of leaves and were more likely to establish mines there than on the adaxial surfaces. On Chinese cabbage plants, approximate to 40% of neonates were removed when exposed to rainfall (5.6 cm/h for 3 min) within 5 min of release. Larval losses decreased rapidly as the interval between release and rainfall exposure increased and exposure to rainfall 2 h after release did not affect survival. On common cabbage plants, approximate to 65% of neonates were removed when exposed to rainfall within 30 min of release, losses decreased as the interval between release and rainfall exposure increased, but they decreased more slowly than on Chinese cabbage, and rainfall caused significant larval mortality up to 4 h after release. Rainfall also affected later instar larvae (susceptibility: 2nd> 3rd = 4th) but neither the susceptibility of these larvae nor that of pupae was affected by the host plant. Wet leaf surfaces disrupted movement and feeding site establishment by neonates. When dislodged from plants on to the surface of wet soil, most later stage larvae could relocate host plants, but most neonates could not.
机译:模拟降雨对菱形蛾(DBM)的影响,Plutella Xylostella(L.)(Lepidoptera:Plutellidae),幼虫取决于其阶段特异性饲养行为,物理特性和宿主植物。在大白菜上典型的产卵位点释放的新生儿(Brassica Raps var。Pekinensis L. [芸苔:Brassicaceae])植物移动较少(3-72厘米)并花费较短的时间(> 1小时),以前报道普通白菜(甘蓝醛胺瓦尔。在建立喂养部位之前,L. [Brassicales:Brassicaceae])(分别> 80厘米和> 3小时)。在两个宿主植物上,幼虫在叶子的叶子表面上花了更长的时间,并且更有可能在那里建立矿井而不是在对表面上。在大白菜植物中,在释放5分钟内暴露于降雨(5.6厘米/小时3分钟)时,除去近40%的新生儿。由于在释放后,由于释放和降雨的间隔增加和暴露于降雨的间隔,释放后,幼虫损失迅速下降。在常见的白菜植物上,在释放30分钟内暴露于降雨时,除去65%的新生儿,随着释放和降雨暴露的间隔增加,损失降低,但它们比在大白菜上减少,降雨导致了大量幼虫发布后死亡率高达4小时。降雨量也会影响龄幼虫(易感性:2nd> 3rd = 4th),但这些幼虫的易感性也不受到宿主植物的影响。湿叶子表面破坏了新生儿的运动和喂养网站。当从植物脱落到湿土的表面时,大多数后期幼虫可以重新安置寄主植物,但大多数新生儿都不能。



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