首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Effects of oil palm plantations on habitat structure and fish assemblages in Amazon streams

Effects of oil palm plantations on habitat structure and fish assemblages in Amazon streams


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The aim of this research is to assess the effects of oil palm plantations on stream habitat and their fish assemblage diversity. We hypothesize that streams which drain through oil palm plantations tend to be less heterogeneous, limiting the occurrence of many species, than streams that drain through forest fragments, which support higher fish diversity. A total of 17 streams were sampled; eight in forest fragments and nine in oil palm plantations. Environmental and biological variables were sampled along 150 m stretch in each stream. Of the 242 environmental variables measured, ten were considered important to assess the condition of structural habitat, and out of these variables, four were considered relevant in the distinction between streams in oil palm plantations and forest fragments. A total of 7245 fishes were collected, belonging to 63 species. Unlike our original hypothesis, the species richness did not differ between forest fragment and oil palm plantations streams, showing that it is not a good divert measure in streams disturbance assessment. However, fish assemblages differed in species composition, and 56 species were recorded in oil palm plantation streams, while 44 species were recorded in forest fragments streams. Some species were identified as indicators of either altered (Aequidens tetramerus and Apistogramma agassizii) or undisturbed areas (Helogenes marmoratus). Overall, oil palm plantations were proven to change stream habitat structure and fish species distribution, corroborating other studies that have evidenced changes in patterns of biological community structure due to impacts by different land uses.
机译:该研究的目的是评估油棕种植园对溪流栖息地及其鱼类组合多样性的影响。我们假设通过油棕种植园排出的流倾向于不那么异质,限制了许多物种的发生,而不是通过森林片段排出的流,这支持更高的鱼类分集。共对17个溪流;八个在森林碎片和九个油棕榈种植园。在每条溪流中沿150米伸展进行环境和生物变量。在测量的242个环境变量中,十个被认为是评估结构栖息地的条件,并且出于这些变量,其中四种是在油棕榈种植园和森林碎片中的溪流区区分中相关的。共收集了7245条鱼,属于63种。与我们原来的假设不同,物种丰富性在森林片段和油棕榈种植园之间没有区别,表明它在流扰动评估中并不是一种良好的转移措施。然而,鱼类组合物在物种组合物中不同,并且在油棕榈种植园流中记录了56种,而44种被记录在森林片段流中。一些物种被鉴定为改变(Aequidens Tetramerus和Apistographma Agassizii)或未受干扰区域(Helogenes Marmoratus)的指标。总体而言,被证明的油棕榈种植园改变流栖息地结构和鱼类分布,证实了由于不同土地用途导致的生物群落结构模式变化的其他研究。



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