首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Towards a new shift in conservation and management of a fishery system and protected areas using bonefish (Albula vulpes) as an umbrella species in Belize and Mexico

Towards a new shift in conservation and management of a fishery system and protected areas using bonefish (Albula vulpes) as an umbrella species in Belize and Mexico


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Although bonefish,Albula vulpes, supports a culturally and socio-economically important recreational fishery in the Caribbean Sea, little is known about their population characteristics. Understanding their population parameters are important for the creation of a sustainable fishery strategy in the Caribbean region. We used multistate modeling to estimate apparent survival, recapture probability, and movement of bonefish in the regions of Corozal-Chetumal Bay (CB) and the adjacent Caribbean coast (CC) of Belize and Mexico. We marked 9657 bonefish and recaptured 613 (6.5% recapture rate). A total of 64 multistate models were run in program MARK. The model with the lowest Akaike Information Criterion was the most parsimonious model that supported our data: constant apparent survival in CC but variable in CB; time-dependent recapture probability in CC and CB; and time-dependent movement between regions. The latter reflects a seasonal migration from the bay to spawn in the Caribbean during the north-winds season. The seasonal differences in apparent survival (CC = 63.6% and CB = 80.6%) and recapture probability (CC = 1.3% and CB =11.1%) are associated to spawning mortality, a post-spawning relocation, ontogenetic shift, predation, angling activities, site fidelity or a combination of these. These findings reinforces the association of environmental variables influenced by weather patterns with movement patterns, the entire region to be considered a single geographic catchment area necessary to sustain a local bonefish population and the need for a paradigm shift from a traditional to a new system of fisheries conservation and management using bonefish as an umbrella species.
机译:虽然Bonefish,Albula狐狸,在加勒比海中支持文化和社会经济重要的娱乐渔业,但对他们的人口特征知之甚少。了解他们的人口参数对于在加勒比地区建立可持续的渔业战略非常重要。我们使用多态建模来估计伯利兹和墨西哥的哥哥多瓦(CB)区域的表观存活率,批准概率和骨鱼的运动和移动。我们标记了9657个骨鱼和重新夺回613(6.5%的重复率)。在程序标记中共有64种多体模型。具有最低的Akaike信息标准的模型是支持我们的数据的最显着的模型:CC中的常量表观生存,但CB中的变量; CC和CB中的时间依赖性识别概率;和地区之间的时间依赖运动。后者反映了海湾在北风季节在加勒比地区产卵的季节性迁移。表观存活的季节性差异(CC = 63.6%和CB = 80.6%)和批准概率(CC = 1.3%和CB = 11.1%)与产卵死亡率,产卵后的重定位,捕食,倾角,钓鱼活动相关联,网站保真度或这些组合。这些发现强化了受运动模式的天气模式影响的环境变量的关联,整个地区被认为是维持当地骨鱼种群所必需的单个地理集水区,并且需要从传统到新的渔业系统转变的范式转变用骨鱼作为伞物种的保护和管理。



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