首页> 外文期刊>Central European journal of public health >Vertical distribution of the tick Ixodes ricinus and tick-borne pathogens in the northern Moravian mountains correlated with climate warming (Jeseniky Mts., Czech Republic).

Vertical distribution of the tick Ixodes ricinus and tick-borne pathogens in the northern Moravian mountains correlated with climate warming (Jeseniky Mts., Czech Republic).


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A study of the vertical distribution of the common tick Ixodes ricinus and tick-borne pathogens--tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) and genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l.--was performed in the highest part of the Jeseniky mountain area (the Hruby Jesenik Mts. with the highest summit Praded, 1,491 m above see level). Altogether 1,253 specimens of all tick stages (607 larvae, 614 nymphs, 8 females and 24 males) were collected at the altitude 990-1,300 m above sea level on 12 collection sites by the flagging method. Altogether 1,207 ticks (8 females, 24 males, 568 nymphs and 607 larvae) were examined for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis virus and B. burgdorferi s.l. None of the samples contained TBEV, 35 samples (6% of adult ticks, 5% of nymphs, 0.7% of larvae) were positive for B. burgdorferi s.l. The most prevalent genospecies were B. afzelii (44%), B. garinii (28%), less frequent were B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (5%), B. valaisiana (3%). The rather large number of ticks (in absolute numbers as well as recounted to the index: average number of nymphs/worker/collection hour) and the presence of all developmental stages clearly demonstrate that there are viable local tick populations in all the sites, and that recorded ticks were not randomly individuals brought into higher altitudes by birds or game animals. The results are compared with the long-term (2002-2007) monitoring of the tick altitudinal distribution in the Krkonose Mts. and the conditions, which allow ticks to establish local populations up to the timberline in both mountain areas, are discussed. Simultaneously, changes in climatic conditions (especially the air temperature) monitored at 3 meteorological stations in the area of the Jeseniky Mts. were compared with the records from another 8 stations in other mountain areas in the Czech Republic. A very similar statistically significant trend of increasing mean air temperatures during the last three decades is found at all analyzed stations. The trend is most pronounced in the spring and summer months with the highest activity of I. ricinus ticks.
机译:在Jeseniky山区的最高区域(Hruby Jesenik)进行了对tick虱x虫和tick传播病原体-ick传播脑炎病毒(TBEV)和伯氏疏螺旋体基因型的垂直分布的研究。最高峰山顶山(海拔1,491 m)。通过标记方法在海拔120-1 300 m的海拔高度采集了所有tick虫阶段的1,253个标本(607个幼虫,614个若虫,8个雌性和24个雄性),共12个采集点。共检查了1,207 207(8雌,24雄,568若虫和607幼虫)是否存在tick传脑炎病毒和B. burgdorferi s.l.。所有样品均不含TBEV,B。burgdorferi s.l.阳性的有35个样品(成年tick的6%,若虫的5%,幼虫的0.7%)阳性。最流行的基因种是非洲弯杆菌(B. afzelii)(44%),加里木芽孢杆菌(B. garinii)(28%),少见的是伯氏疏螺旋体(B. burgdorferi sensu stricto)(5%),瓦莱纳螺旋杆菌(B. valaisiana)(3%)。 tick的数量相当大(以绝对数字表示,并按指数表示:若虫/工人/采集时间的平均数)和所有发育阶段的存在清楚地表明,所有地点都存在可行的当地tick种群;记录tick的人不是随机地被鸟类或野生动物带入更高海拔的人。将结果与Krkonose山中M的垂直分布的长期监测(2002-2007年)进行了比较。讨论了允许tick虫在两个山区的林线建立当地种群的条件。同时,在耶塞尼基山地区3个气象站监测到的气候条件(尤其是气温)的变化。与捷克共和国其他山区另外8个站点的记录进行了比较。在所有被分析的站点上,发现过去三十年来平均气温升高的统计学意义上非常相似的趋势。这种趋势在春季和夏季月份最为明显,而蓖麻蓖麻tick的活动最高。



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