首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Transport and storage of bed material in a gravel-bed channel during episodes of aggradation and degradation: A field and flume study

Transport and storage of bed material in a gravel-bed channel during episodes of aggradation and degradation: A field and flume study


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The dynamics of sediment transport capacity in gravel-bed rivers is critical to understanding the formation and preservation of fluvial landforms and formulating sediment-routing models in drainage systems. We examine transport-storage relations during cycles of aggradation and degradation by augmenting observations of three events of channel aggradation and degradation in Cuneo Creek, a steep (3%) gravel-bed channel in northern California, with measurements from a series of flume runs modeling those events. An armored, single-thread channel was formed before feed rates were increased in each aggradation run. Output rates increased as the channel became finer and later widened, steepened, and braided. After feed rates were cut, output rates remained high or increased in early stages of degradation as the incising channel remained fine-grained, and later decreased as armoring intensified. If equilibrium was not reached before sediment feed rate was cut, then a rapid transition from a braided channel to a single-thread channel caused output rates for a given storage volume to be higher during degradation than during aggradation. Variations in channel morphology, and surface bed texture during runs that modeled the three cycles of aggradation and degradation were similar to those observed in Cuneo Creek and provide confidence in interpretations of the history of change: Cuneo Creek aggraded rapidly as it widened, shallowed, and braided, then degraded rapidly before armoring stabilized the channel. Such morphology-driven changes in transport capacity may explain the formation of flood terraces in proximal channels. Transport-storage relations can be expected to vary between aggradation and degradation and be influenced by channel conditions at the onset of changes in sediment supply.
机译:砾石床河流泥沙输送能力的动态对于了解河流地貌的形成和保存以及制定排水系统中的沉积物路由模型至关重要。通过在加利福尼亚州北部河流溪流,陡峭(3%)砾石床渠道中的三个渠道委员会事件的循环期间,在加州的渠道委员会的意见和降解的循环期间检查运输 - 储存关系。从一系列水槽运行建模的测量那些事件。在每次赘肉运行之前,在饲料速率增加之前形成装甲的单线频道。随后渠道变得更加拓宽,陡峭和编织,输出率增加。切割饲料速率后,由于切割通道保持细粒度,输出率在降解的早期阶段仍然高或增加,随后随后减少了随着装备强化而下降。如果在切割沉积物进料速率之前未达到平衡,则从编织通道到单螺纹通道的快速转变导致给定存储体积的输出速率比在劣化期间更高。在运行过程中,在运行期间的渠道形态和表面床纹理的变化与Cuneo Creek中观察到的那些相似,并为改变史上的解释提供信心:Cuneo Creek随着它扩大,浅的和编织,然后在装备稳定通道之前迅速降解。这种形态驱动的运输能力变化可以解释近端通道中的洪水梯田的形成。可以预期运输储存关系在沉积物供应变化的发生时,可以在致态和劣化之间变化,并受通道条件的影响。



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