首页> 外文期刊>Inverse Problems: An International Journal of Inverse Problems, Inverse Methods and Computerised Inversion of Data >Solving ill-posed control problems by stabilized finite element methods: an alternative to Tikhonov regularization

Solving ill-posed control problems by stabilized finite element methods: an alternative to Tikhonov regularization


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Tikhonov regularization is one of the most commonly used methods for the regularization of ill-posed problems. In the setting of finite element solutions of elliptic partial differential control problems, Tikhonov regularization amounts to adding suitably weighted least squares terms of the control variable, or derivatives thereof, to the Lagrangian determining the optimality system. In this note we show that the stabilization methods for discretely illposed problems developed in the setting of convection-dominated convection-diffusion problems, can be highly suitable for stabilizing optimal control problems, and that Tikhonov regularization will lead to less accurate discrete solutions. We consider some inverse problems for Poisson's equation as an illustration and derive new error estimates both for the reconstruction of the solution from the measured data and reconstruction of the source term from the measured data. These estimates include both the effect of the discretization error and error in the measurements.
机译:Tikhonov Regularization是正规化问题的最常用方法之一。在椭圆局部差分控制问题的有限元解的设置中,Tikhonov常规量为向确定最优系统的拉格朗日添加控制变量或其衍生物的适当加权最小二乘术语。在本说明书中,我们表明,在对流主导的对流扩散问题的设置中开发的稳定方法,可以高度适用于稳定最佳控制问题,而Tikhonov规则将导致不太准确的离散解决方案。我们考虑了泊松等式的一些逆问题,作为图示,并从测量数据中重建解决方案的新误差估计,从测量数据重建源术语。这些估计包括离散化误差和误差在测量中的效果。



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