Ab'/> Regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity in the Argentina Pampas using MODIS time-series
首页> 外文期刊>Ecological informatics: an international journal on ecoinformatics and computational ecology >Regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity in the Argentina Pampas using MODIS time-series

Regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity in the Argentina Pampas using MODIS time-series

机译:使用Modis Time-Series,Argentina PAMPAS中生态系统功能多样性的区域模式

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AbstractThe characterization of ecosystem functioning is significant for different purposes such as biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. A key aspect of ecosystem functioning is carbon gains, since it represents the energy available for upper trophic levels. In this sense, remote-sensing methods have allowed the study of ecosystem dynamics and spatial distribution at different spatial and temporal scales. The objectives were to describe the regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity and to establish the importance of interannual variability in the definition of Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs) in the Argentina Pampas. EFTs were obtained from carbon gains using a set of seven functional attributes and their interannual variations, which were retrieved from 14-year NDVI time-series. An ISODATA technique was applied to all the analyzed variables, and the clusters that best separate in the n-dimensional space were selected using discriminant analysis. The Argentina Pampas shows a high heterogeneity in the spatial patterns of ecosystem functional attributes. The annual integral of NDVI (i-NDVI, a linear estimator of net primary productivity), a complex of ecosystem functional attributes that describe the interannual variability, and the annual relative range of NDVI (RREL, ecosystem seasonality) had the highest relevance to distinguish nine EFTs in the study area. This study shows a novel approach for mapping ecosystem functioning, which reveals the importance of interannual variations. This methodology includes the effects of climate variability on ecosystem dynamics, thus enhancing our understanding of ecosystem functional diversity. The results obtained re
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 生态系统功能的表征对于生物多样性保护和生态系统服务等不同的目的是重要的。生态系统功能的一个关键方面是碳收益,因为它代表了上营养水平的能量。从这个意义上讲,遥感方法允许在不同的空间和时间尺度下研究生态系统动力学和空间分布。目标是描述生态系统功能多样性的区域模式,并在阿根廷潘帕斯中确定生态系统功能类型(EFTS)定义中的年度变异性的重要性。使用一组七个功能属性及其续变量从碳增益获得EFT,从14年的NDVI时间序列中检索。应用ISODATA技术对所有分析的变量,以及使用判别分析选择最佳分离的群集。阿根廷PAMPAS在生态系统功能属性的空间模式中显示出高异质性。 NDVI(I-NDVI,净初级生产率的线性估计)的年度积分,一种描述年度变异性的生态系统功能属性,以及NDVI(RREL,ECOSYSTEM季节性)的年相对范围的核心和年相对范围符合区分研究区域九efts。本研究显示了一种用于映射生态系统功能的新方法,这揭示了持续变化的重要性。该方法包括气候变化对生态系统动态的影响,从而提高了我们对生态系统功能多样性的理解。结果获得了重新



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