Ab'/> Using general linear model, Bayesian Networks and Naive Bayes classifier for prediction of <ce:italic>Karenia selliformis</ce:italic> occurrences and blooms
首页> 外文期刊>Ecological informatics: an international journal on ecoinformatics and computational ecology >Using general linear model, Bayesian Networks and Naive Bayes classifier for prediction of Karenia selliformis occurrences and blooms

Using general linear model, Bayesian Networks and Naive Bayes classifier for prediction of Karenia selliformis occurrences and blooms

机译:使用通用线性模型,贝叶斯网络和天真贝叶斯分类器的预测 karenia selliformis 出现和绽放

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AbstractThe prediction of the dinoflagellate red tide formingKarenia selliformisis a relevant task to aid optimized management decisions in marine coastal water. The objective of the present study is to compare different modeling approaches for prediction ofKarenia selliformisoccurrences and blooms. A set of physical parameters (salinity, temperature and tide amplitude), meteorological constraints (evaporation, air temperature, insolation, rainfall, atmospheric pressure and humidity), sampling months and sampling sites are used. The model prediction included general linear model (GLM), Bayesian Network (BN) and the simplest BN type which is, Naive Bayes classifier (NB). The results showed that three models incriminated high salinity inKarenia selliformisblooms and the sampling sites, mainly Boughrara lagoon, in the occurrences. The BN performed better than linear models (NB and GLM) for bothKarenia selliformisoccurrences and blooms prediction. This later is related to the facts that BN considered the inter-independency between predictive variables and that the relationships between the variables and the outcome are often non-linear such us; the transition to bloom situations appeared to be triggered by a salinity threshold. This study is useful in the management of this ecosystem so as to use the best disposal options in the early prediction of the toxic blooms.
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 Dinoflagellate红潮的预测形成 Karenia Selliformis 是一个有关援助海洋沿海水中优化管理决策的相关任务。本研究的目的是比较不同的建模方法来预测 karenia sellifalis 出现和绽放。使用一组物理参数(盐度,温度和潮汐幅度),气象约束(蒸发,空气温度,缺失,降雨,大气压和湿度),采样月份和采样点。模型预测包括一般线性模型(GLM),贝叶斯网络(BN)和最简单的BN类型,即天真贝叶斯分类器(NB)。结果表明,三种模型在 karenia selliformis 绽放和采样点,主要是boughrara泻湖,在发生的情况下。 BN对于 karenia selliformis 出现和绽放预测,BN比线性模型(NB和GLM)更好。这后来与BN认为预测变量与变量与结果之间的关系的事实有关,并且通常是非线性的,但是我们的关系通常是非线性的;过渡到绽放情况似乎被盐度阈值触发。本研究可用于管理该生态系统,以便在毒性盛开的早期预测中使用最佳处置选项。 < CE:抽象XMLNS:CE =“http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/dtd”xmlns =“http://www.elsevier.com/xml/ja/dtd”id =“ab0010”class = “作者 - 突出显示”XML:lang =“en”查看=“全部”>



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