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Managing Cows, Milking and the Environment to Minimize Mastitis


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Mastitis is caused by a bacterial infection of the udder and can occur in a subclinical or clinical state. Both states can result in significant reductions in animal wellbeing and dairy farm profitability. Bacteria that cause mastitis are often classified as "contagious" or "environmental" based on their primary reservoir and mode of transmission. The udder of cows that have subclinical infections serves as the primary source of exposure to contagious pathogens and transmission occurs when teats of healthy cows are exposed to bacteria present in milk that came from infected udders. Droplets of infected milk left on milking equipment, milking towels, hands of milking technicians or dripped onto bedding surfaces are common mechanisms for spread of contagious mastitis. Successful control of contagious mastitis pathogens is focused on reducing exposure of teats to pathogens found in milk that originated from infected cows. The term "environmental pathogen" refers to mastitis caused ' by bacteria foundin cow housing^ areas. Moisture, mud, and manure are common sources of these pafHogens. Successful control of environmental pathogens is based on keeping teats healthy, clean and dry.



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