
A multi-threshold segmentation approach based on artificial bee colony optimization


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This paper explores the use of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm to compute threshold selection for image segmentation. ABC is an evolutionary algorithm inspired by the intelligent behavior of honey-bees which has been successfully employed to solve complex optimization problems. In this approach, an image 1-D histogram is approximated through a Gaussian mixture model whose parameters are calculated by the ABC algorithm. In the model, each Gaussian function represents a pixel class and therefore a threshold point. Unlike the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, the ABC method shows fast convergence and low sensitivity to initial conditions. Remarkably, it also improves complex time-consuming computations commonly required by gradient-based methods. Experimental results over multiple images with different range of complexity validate the efficiency of the proposed technique with regard to segmentation accuracy, speed, and robustness. The paper also includes an experimental comparison to the EM and to one gradient-based method which ultimately demonstrates a better performance from the proposed algorithm.
机译:本文探讨了人工蜂菌落(ABC)算法来计算图像分割的阈值选择。 ABC是一种由蜂蜜蜜蜂的智能行为启发的进化算法,该蜂蜜蜂已经成功地用于解决复杂的优化问题。在这种方法中,图像1-D直方图通过高斯混合模型来近似,其参数由ABC算法计算。在该模型中,每个高斯函数表示像素类,因此是阈值点。与期望 - 最大化(EM)算法不同,ABC方法显示出快速收敛性和对初始条件的低灵敏度。值得注意的是,它还改善了基于梯度的方法通常需要的复杂时间计算。在不同范围的复杂程度范围内的多个图像的实验结果验证了所提出的技术的效率方面的分割精度,速度和鲁棒性。本文还包括与EM的实验比较和一种基于梯度的方法,最终从所提出的算法中展示了更好的性能。



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