首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >Does Compton-Schwarzschild duality in higher dimensions exclude TeV quantum gravity?

Does Compton-Schwarzschild duality in higher dimensions exclude TeV quantum gravity?


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In three spatial dimensions, the Compton wavelength (R-C proportional to M) and Schwarzschild radius (R-S proportional to M-1) are dual under the transformation M -> M-P(2)/M, where M-P is the Planck mass. This suggests that there could be a fundamental link - termed the Black Hole Uncertainty Principle or Compton-Schwarzschild correspondence - between elementary particles with M < M-P and black holes in the M > M-P regime. In the presence of n extra dimensions, compactified on some scale R-E exceeding the Planck length R-P, one expects R-S proportional to M1/(1+n) for R-P < R < R-E, which breaks this duality. However, it may be restored in some circumstances because the effective Compton wavelength of a particle depends on the form of the (3 + n)-dimensional wave function. If this is spherically symmetric, then one still has R-C proportional to M-1, as in the 3-dimensional case. The effective Planck length is then increased and the Planck mass reduced, allowing the possibility of TeV quantum gravity and black hole production at the LHC. However, if the wave function of a particle is asymmetric and has a scale R-E in the extra dimensions, then R-C proportional to M-1/(1+n), so that the duality between R-C and R-S is preserved. In this case, the effective Planck length is increased even more but the Planck mass is unchanged, so that TeV quantum gravity is precluded and black holes cannot be generated in collider experiments. Nevertheless, the extra dimensions could still have consequences for the detectability of black hole evaporations and the enhancement of pair-production at accelerators on scales below R-E. Though phenomenologically general for higher-dimensional theories, our results are shown to be consistent with string theory via the minimum positional uncertainty derived from D-particle scattering amplitudes.
机译:在三个空间尺寸中,康普顿波长(R-C成比例为M)和Schwarzschild半径(R-S比例为M-1)是在变换M - > M-P(2)/ m下的双重,其中M-P是栅克质量。这表明可以存在基本的链路 - 将黑洞不确定性原理或康普顿 - 施瓦茨柴尔德对应 - 在M> M-P中的M M> M-P中的M



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