首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information Security >Flexible ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption supporting AND-gate and threshold with short ciphertexts

Flexible ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption supporting AND-gate and threshold with short ciphertexts

机译:灵活的密文 - 策略属性基于基于的加密支持和门和阈值,具有短密文

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Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a very promising cryptographic primitive that allows a data owner to encrypt messages and manage access policies themselves. Most of the existing CP-ABE schemes suffer from efficiency drawbacks due to long ciphertexts, which impacts their adoption in applications where data are shared and stored. In this work, we aim to address this gap by proposing a CP-ABE which features constant-size ciphertext and supports access policies of an AND-gate and a threshold, which make ciphertext policies more expressive and applicable to many practical applications. Prior CP-ABE schemes with short ciphertexts such as that of Herranz et al. (in: Public key cryptography-PKC, Springer, 2010) only allow access policies to be a single AND-gate or a single threshold only. Combinations between these short CP-ABE constructions will result in systems insecure against collusion attacks, which makes the effort to enable access policies with an AND-gate and a threshold gate at the same time becomes very challenging. We present such a scheme that solves this drawback. Our scheme is efficient, expressive and secure. In our construction, the encryptor chooses two subsets of a certain universe of attributes , with a threshold value that only users who have at least attributes in and all attributes in can decrypt the ciphertext. The scheme is proven secure against selective chosen plaintext attacks in the standard model by reduction to the augmented multi-sequence of exponents decisional Diffie-Hellman (aMSE-DDH) problem.
机译:基于密文 - 策略属性的加密(CP-ABE)是一个非常有前景的加密原语,允许数据所有者加密消息并自行管理访问策略。由于长密文,大多数现有CP-ABE方案遭受效率缺陷,这会影响其在共享和存储数据的应用中的采用。在这项工作中,我们的目标是通过提出具有常量大小密文的CP-abe来解决这个差距,并支持一个门和门的访问策略和阈值,这使得密文策略更加富有表现力,并且适用于许多实际应用。以前的CP-ABE方案,具有短的密文,例如Herranz等人。 (在:公钥加密-PKC,Springer,2010)只允许访问策略仅为单个和门或单个阈值。这些短期CP-ABE结构之间的组合将导致系统不安全地防止串行攻击,这使得能够在同一时间启用与栅极和阈值门的访问策略变得非常具有挑战性。我们提出了解决这一解决方案的方案。我们的计划是有效,表达和安全的。在我们的构造中,加密器选择某个属性Universe的子集,其中阈值仅具有至少具有属性的用户和所有属性都可以解密密文。通过减少标准模型中的选择性选择的明文攻击来证明该计划是安全的,通过减少到增强的多序列的指数决策者决定争论德国 - Hellman(AMSE-DDH)问题。



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