首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Science Letters >Detection of Copy-Rotate-Move Forgery Using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform

Detection of Copy-Rotate-Move Forgery Using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform


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As a common scheme of image tampering, copy-move forgery plays an important role in image forgery committee. Though several blind methods aimed at detecting replicated regions have been proposed, these methods could not detect efficiently the rotation changes in the duplicated areas. In this paper, a new forensic method is presented to detect the replicated areas undergoes rotation by arbitrary angle, even by JPEG compression. To achieve this, overlapping blocks of pixels are decomposed using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT), and then channel energies are extracted from each subband at each level using the L_1 norm. Finally, the anisotropic rotationally invariant features are extracted using magnitudes of discrete Fourier transform for these channel energies. The algorithm flow is presented in detail. Extensive experimental results, including a comparative evaluation with existing methods and the special applications in practice are presented to demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed method.



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