首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Global trends in colorectal cancer mortality: projections to the year 2035

Global trends in colorectal cancer mortality: projections to the year 2035


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide and the fourth most common cause of cancer death. Predictions of the future burden of the disease inform health planners and raise awareness of the need for cancer control action. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) mortality database for 1989–2016 were used to project colon and rectal cancer mortality rates and number of deaths in 42 countries up to the year 2035, using age‐period‐cohort (APC) modelling. Mortality rates for colon cancer are predicted to continue decreasing in the majority of included countries from Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania, except Latin America and Caribbean countries. Mortality rates from rectal cancer in general followed those of colon cancer, however rates are predicted to increase substantially in Costa Rica (+73.6%), Australia (+59.2%), United States (+27.8%), Ireland (+24.2%) and Canada (+24.1%). Despite heterogeneous trends in rates, the number of deaths is expected to rise in all countries for both colon and rectal cancer by 60.0% and 71.5% until 2035, respectively, due to population growth and ageing. Reductions in colon and rectal cancer mortality rates are probably due to better accessibility to early detection services and improved specialized care. The expected increase in rectal cancer mortality rates in some countries is worrisome and warrants further investigations.
机译:结肠直肠癌(CRC)是全世界第三次常见的癌症,癌症死亡最常见的最常见原因。预测疾病的未来负担可通知卫生规划者,提高对癌症控制行动需求的认识。来自世界卫生组织(世卫组织)1989 - 2016年死亡率数据库的数据用于使用年龄 - 期间 - 队列(APC)建模的42个国家的42个国家的结肠癌和直肠癌死亡率和死亡人数。预计结肠癌的死亡率将继续在亚洲,欧洲,北美和大洋洲的大多数国家继续下降,除了拉丁美洲和加勒比国家。直肠癌的死亡率一般遵循结肠癌,但预计速率大幅增加(+ 73.6%),澳大利亚(+ 59.2%),美国(+ 27.8%),爱尔兰(+ 24.2%)加拿大(+ 24.1%)。尽管率的异质趋势,但由于人口增长和老化,所有国家的死亡人数都预计将在所有国家的结肠癌和直肠癌均匀增加60.0%和71.5%。结肠和直肠癌死亡率的减少可能是由于早期检测服务的更好可获得和改进的专业护理。一些国家的直肠癌死亡率预期增加令人担忧,并保证进一步调查。



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