首页> 外文期刊>International journal of applied psychoanalytic studies >The culture of interrogation: Evaluating detainees at Guantanamo Bay The phrase “the culture of interrogation” belongs to my friend and colleague, Kate Porterfield, PhD (personal communication, 2009).The phrase “the culture of interrogation” belongs to my friend and colleague, Kate Porterfield, PhD (personal communication, 2009).

The culture of interrogation: Evaluating detainees at Guantanamo Bay The phrase “the culture of interrogation” belongs to my friend and colleague, Kate Porterfield, PhD (personal communication, 2009).The phrase “the culture of interrogation” belongs to my friend and colleague, Kate Porterfield, PhD (personal communication, 2009).

机译:审讯文化:在瓜丹莫湾评估被拘留者 短语“审讯文化”属于我的朋友和同事,凯特波特菲尔德,博士 (个人通信,2009)。“审讯文化”短语属于我的朋友和同事,凯特波特菲尔德,博士(个人通讯,2009)。

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