首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >A Cluster Based Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection System using Hmm with the Implementation of Big Data Technology

A Cluster Based Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection System using Hmm with the Implementation of Big Data Technology


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In today's framework, Credit card is used for online transaction and security of the usage of credit card is also a big issue. Here, the fraud detection is done in two Steps. First is training of transactions and second is detection of fraud in the incoming transactions. In the first Step, sequences of transactions are added in to the system. In the second step, the fraud is detected in the credit card using the cluster comparison of the transactions. In first stage, HMM (Hidden Markov Model) is used with the expenditure behavior of card holders and categorized as low, medium and high expenditure behavior. The probability for every transaction sequence is calculated and checked with the threshold value. If any deviation is encountered then it is declared as fraud. To analyse the transactions into clusters clustering is used with the implementation of Big Data technology.
机译:在今天的框架中,信用卡用于在线交易,信用卡使用的安全性也是一个大问题。 在这里,欺诈检测分两步完成。 首先是培训交易,第二是在传入交易中检测欺诈。 在第一步中,将交易序列添加到系统中。 在第二步中,使用交易的集群比较在信用卡中检测到欺诈。 在第一阶段,HMM(隐马尔可夫模型)与卡持有人的支出行为一起使用,并分为低,中等和高支出行为。 计算每个事务序列的概率并使用阈值检查。 如果遇到任何偏差,那么它被宣布为欺诈。 分析交易进入群集聚类与大数据技术的实施一起使用。



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