首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Comparison between SKS 3 and SCM 440 Steel Materials for the Location PIN of Welding JIG

Comparison between SKS 3 and SCM 440 Steel Materials for the Location PIN of Welding JIG

机译:SKS 3和SCM 440钢材的比较焊接夹具定位销

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Welding in manufacturing industry plays an important role. In welding, the location pin process is one of the important part that determines the precision of the resulting product. The most common material for the location pin is SKS 3 steel. This research will compare it with another material, SCM 440 steel, which is cheaper than SKS 3. The cost of SCM 440 is 23% cheaper than SKS 3. The results of the mechanical test and metallurgical prove that the SCM 440 material is stronger and tougher than the SKS 3. Therefore, It can be ascertained that SCM 440 can replace SKS 3 as the material for the material of the location pin.
机译:制造业焊接起着重要作用。 在焊接中,位置引脚过程是确定所得产品精度的重要部分之一。 定位销最常见的材料是SKS 3钢。 该研究将与另一种材料,SCM 440钢进行比较,它比SKS便宜3. SCM 440的成本比SKS便宜23%3.机械测试和冶金的结果证明SCM 440材料更强大和冶金 比SKS 3更难度。因此,可以确定SCM 440可以将SKS 3更换为位置销的材料的材料。



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