首页> 外文期刊>Adsorption >The influence of geometric heterogeneity of closed carbon nanotube bundles on benzene adsorption from the gaseous phase-Monte Carlo simulations

The influence of geometric heterogeneity of closed carbon nanotube bundles on benzene adsorption from the gaseous phase-Monte Carlo simulations


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Benzene adsorption from the gaseous phase at 298 K and the thermodynamics of this process using Monte Carlo methods is studied. A series of closed single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) bundles (triangular packing arrangement) with various distance between nanotubes is investigated. Isolated closed nanotube is treated as the reference system. Benzene is considered as a model compound to represent aromatics. Simulation results show the significant effect of the geometric heterogeneity on benzene adsorption as well as the enthalpy and entropy at low surface coverages. For insignificantly separated nanotubes and at low benzene uptakes, the entropy of the adsorbed phase is close to the entropy of solid benzene. Therefore, C6H6 molecules strongly interacting with walls are ordered in quasi-solid structures. At higher surface coverages, the ordering and packing of benzene molecules is liquid-like. The geometry of bundles (mutual position of SWCNTs) significantly influences the position and orientation of adsorbed molecules against the wall.
机译:研究了在298 K下气相吸附苯的过程以及采用蒙特卡洛方法进行的热力学。研究了一系列封闭的单壁碳纳米管(SWCNT)束(三角形堆积排列),纳米管之间的距离不同。隔离的封闭纳米管被视为参考系统。苯被认为是代表芳烃的模型化合物。模拟结果表明,几何异质性对低表面覆盖率的苯吸附以及焓和熵有显着影响。对于无关紧要的分离纳米管和低苯吸收,吸附相的熵接近固体苯的熵。因此,与壁强烈相互作用的C6H6分子以准固态结构排列。在较高的表面覆盖率下,苯分子的排列和堆积呈液体状。束的几何形状(SWCNT的相互位置)会显着影响吸附分子紧贴壁的位置和方向。



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