首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Storage of cassava pollen for conservation of nuclear genetic diversity and overcoming hybridization barriers

Storage of cassava pollen for conservation of nuclear genetic diversity and overcoming hybridization barriers


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The objective of the storing cassava pollen is to preserve the genetic material for the future use, to maintain their germination, vigour and genetic integrity by providing the optimal conditions. Non-synchronous flowering between parental lines, monoecious and protogynous nature, poor and irregular flowering poses difficulty in cassava breeding. Staggered and multiple planting can circumvent this limitation to some extent, however it consumed a lot of time, labour and space. Availability of stored viable pollen for hybridization can be of great help as the preserved pollen facilitates the easy exchange of genetic material among the researchers as also between the nations due to the less stringent restrictions on the transfer of stored pollen. Hence, cassava pollen storage was undertaken in present studies. Freshly opened male flowers of cassava variety Sree Padmanabha (SP) and Vellayani Hraswa (VH) were collected between 9.00 AM and 10.30 AM. Viability of the pollen was tested by acetocarmine staining and in vitro pollen germination tests. The results showed that after 45 days of storage in liquid nitrogen, the pollen staining was 59.1% and 63.9 % while pollen germination was 49.5% and 51.0% in SP and VH, respectively in the laboratory assessment. Hand pollination in the field was done using cryopreserved pollen and the normal fruit set was observed. These findings will form the base information in helping the breeders to plan hybridization programme in cassava and in easy conservation and exchange of the elite germplasm.
机译:储存木薯花粉的目的是保护未来使用的遗传物质,通过提供最佳条件来维持其萌发,活力和遗传完整性。父母线之间的非同步开花,单一的疯狂和疯狂的性质,差和不规则开花在木薯繁殖中困难。交错和多种植可以在一定程度上规避这一限制,但它消耗了很多时间,劳动力和空间。由于保存的花粉促进研究人员之间的遗传物质容易交换,因此储存可行的花粉的可用性可能具有很大的帮助,这是由于储存花粉转移的严格限制较小的研究人员之间的遗传物质。因此,在目前的研究中进行了木薯花粉储存。新鲜打开的木薯种类母花Sree Padmanabha(SP)和Vellayani Hraswa(VH)收集在上午9:00至10:30之间。通过acetocarmine染色和体外花粉萌发试验测试了花粉的活力。结果表明,在液氮中储存45天后,在实验室评估中,花粉染色为59.1%和63.9%,Pollen萌发分别为SP和VH的49.5%和51.0%。使用冷冻保存花粉进行现场手授粉,并观察到正常的水果套。这些调查结果将形成帮助育种者在木薯和易于保护和交换精英种质的杂交方案中的基础信息。



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