首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Standardization of pruning for high density Sardar guava orchards under hot and humid climate of Eastern India

Standardization of pruning for high density Sardar guava orchards under hot and humid climate of Eastern India

机译:印度潮湿湿润气候下高密度Sardar Guava果园修剪标准化

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Response of guava to three levels of winter and summer pruning (30, 50 and 70%) was studied in a trial conducted during 2014-16 on eight-year-old guava plants spaced at 2.5 m x 1.25 m. In general, pruning encouraged shoot emergence, irrespective of time and intensity, however, winter pruning resulted in production of more shoots or laterals (27.02 +/- 3.85 shoots/m of branch) as compared to treatments of summer pruning (14.55 +/- 3.3). Shoot emergence increased with the severity of pruning. Shoot pruning during winters was found effective in enhancing flowering intensity (38.58 +/- 4.25%), fruit set (73.68 +/- 0.48%) and fruit yield (6.12 +/- 1.13 kg/plant), whereas, summer pruning did not show significant influence on these parameters. Among three treatments of winter pruning, 70% shoot pruning was the best treatment and recorded the maximum values for flowering intensity (42.83%), fruit set (74.15%) and fruit yield (7.25 kg/plant or 23.2 t/ha). The same treatment recorded the highest cumulative yield of rainy and winter season (8.65 kg/plant or 27.68 t/ha) as well. With respect to fruit quality, all the pruning treatments recorded significant improvement in total soluble solids and vitamin C contents for both rainy and winter season crops over the control. However, differences remained at par among all the pruning treatments. The treatment 70% shoot pruning during summer yielded fruits with maximum TSS and vitamin C content in both the crops i.e., rainy and winter season. Thus. it can be concluded that under hot and humid climate of Odisha, high density guava orchards could be pruned during winters at 70% intensity to realise high yield potential of guava in the region.
机译:在2014-16期间在八岁的番石榴植物上在2.5米×1.25米处,在2014-16赛季进行的试验中研究了番石榴至冬季冬季冬季和夏季修剪(30,50%和70%)的反应。一般来说,与夏季修剪的治疗相比,冬季修剪不论时间和强度,冬季修剪是否导致冬季修剪产生更多枝条或横向(27.02 +/- 3.85次芽) 3.3)。射击出现随着修剪的严重程度而增加。发现冬季射击在增强开花强度(38.58 +/- 4.25%),水果套装(73.68 +/- 0.48%)和水果产量(6.12 +/- 1.13千克/植物),而夏季修剪没有显示对这些参数的显着影响。在冬季修剪的三种治疗中,70%的射击修剪是最好的处理,并记录了开花强度的最大值(42.83%),水果套(74.15%)和水果产量(7.25千克/植物或23.2吨/公顷)。同样的治疗记录了雨季和冬季的最高累积产量(8.65千克/植物或27.68吨/公顷)。关于果实质量,所有修剪治疗都记录了对照对照中的雨季和冬季作物的总可溶性固体和维生素C含量的显着改善。然而,所有修剪治疗中的差异仍处于特征中。治疗70%夏季灌浆的枝条产生果实,在农作物中,冬季季节,冬季季节的最大TSS和维生素C含量。因此。可以得出结论,在Otisha的炎热和潮湿的气氛下,高密度番石榴果园可以在70%强度的冬季修剪,以实现该地区番石榴的高收益潜力。



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