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Analysis of the global adhesives market


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According to a new study produced by the market research organisation Ceresana, more than 13 million tonnes of adhesives are used every year throughout the world. These include natural and synthetic glues in liquid, paste and solid form which bond components together. The report looks in detail at vinyl, acrylic, polyurethane, elastomer, epoxy and other types of adhesives, but not at sealants, cements, mortars or phenolic and other formaldehyde condensates. The analysts at Ceresana predict that sales of adhesives will increase by 3.1 percent per year worldwide until 2022. In 2014, the Asia-Pacific region generated more than one third of the global revenue, followed by North America and Western Europe. In a distant fourth place came Eastern Europe and then the Middle East, Africa and South America.
机译:根据市场研究机构Ceresana进行的一项新研究,全世界每年使用超过1300万吨的粘合剂。这些包括液态,糊状和固态形式的天然和合成胶,它们将组分粘合在一起。该报告详细研究了乙烯基,丙烯酸,聚氨酯,弹性体,环氧树脂和其他类型的胶粘剂,但没有涉及密封胶,水泥,砂浆或酚醛和其他甲醛缩合物。 Ceresana的分析师预测,到2022年,全球胶粘剂的销售额将以每年3.1%的速度增长。2014年,亚太地区的收入占全球收入的三分之一以上,其次是北美和西欧。排在第四位的是东欧,然后是中东,非洲和南美。



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