首页> 外文期刊>In Vitro Cellular and Development Biology. Plant: Journal of the Tissue Culture Association >Spike morphology alternations in androgenic progeny of hexaploid triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) caused by nullisomy of 2R and 5R chromosomes

Spike morphology alternations in androgenic progeny of hexaploid triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) caused by nullisomy of 2R and 5R chromosomes

机译:由2R和5R染色体的核血压引起的六倍倍性小教(X TriticoSecale Wittmack)的雄激素形态学的峰值形态学

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Induction of androgenesis, followed by chromosome doubling, is a crucial method to obtain complete homozygosity in one-generation route. However, in vitro androgenesis can result in various genetic and epigenetic changes in derived triticale plants. In this study, we evaluated chromosome alternations and we associated them with the changes of spike morphology in androgenic progeny of triticale. We karyotyped offspring plants that derived from double haploid plants using fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques. We distinguished four major groups of karyotypes: double ditelosomics, nullisomics N2R, nullisomics N5R, and triticale plants with a complete set of chromosomes. It is known that more than half of QTLs connected with androgenic response are located in R-genome of triticale but 2R, 5R, and 6R chromosomes are not included. We hypothesized that the reason why only aberrations of chromosomes 2R and 5R appear during androgenesis of triticale is that because these chromosomes are not involved in the stimulation of androgenic response and the following regeneration of plants is not disrupted. Concerning the established groups, we evaluated following quantitative traits: spike length, number of spikes per plant, number of spikelets per spike, and number of grains per spike. The nullisomy of chromosome 2R and 5R resulted in vast changes in spike architecture of triticale plants, which can be correlated with the location of major QTLs for spike morphology traits on these chromosomes. The spikes of nullisomic plants had significantly decreased spike length which correlated with the reduction of number of spikelets per spike and number of grains per spike.



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