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Challenges for Sustainable Development of Mining Industry to Meet Energy Security


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Jharkhand State Centre of the Institution in association with The Mining, Geological & Metallurgical Institute of India (MGMI), Ranchi Branch and in collaboration with Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDI), Ranchi organized the National Seminar on "Challenges for Sustainable Development of Mining Industry to Meet Energy Security (MIES 2017)" concurrently with the Twenty-eighth National Convention of Mining Engineers during February 11-12, 2017 at Ranchi. Mr Binay Dayal, Director (Technical), CMPDI and Chairman, Organizing Committee, MIES 2017 spoke on the theme and set the tone of the event. He said that the challenges remain in the form of green power generation especially, India being a signatory for various climate and environment related treaties. The programme was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Mr Avijit Ghosh, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd. (HEC), Ranchi.
机译:贾克手与印度地质和冶金学院(MGMI),牧场分支机构,牧场分公司和中央矿山规划与设计学院合作(CMPDI)合作,组织了“可持续发展挑战”(CMPDI)的矿业规划与设计学院(CMPDI)合作。 在2017年2月11日至12日在兰契,矿业矿业迎接能源安全(2017年MIES 2017)“与第二十八届全国矿业工程师公约。 Binay Dayal先生,主任(技术),CMPDI和组委会,组委会,MIES 2017上讲了主题并制定了事件的基调。 他说,挑战仍然是绿色发电的形式,特别是印度是各种气候和环境相关条约的签字人。 该计划由首席嘉宾履行,兼牧师兼牧师兼牧师兼牧师董事长兼议长兼牧师董事长兼牧师。



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