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Effect of the pore geometry in the characterization of the pore size distribution of activated carbons


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In this work, the characterization of Activated Carbons (AC) by using the independent pore models is discussed, with special emphasis on the issue of how the assumed pore geometry can affect the resulting Pore Size Distribution (rPSD) and on the problem of the unicity of the PSD when different probe molecules are used in adsorption experiments. A theoretical test was performed using virtual solids based in the so-called Mixed Geometry Model (MGM) (Azevedo et al. 2010). The MGM uses a kernel of adsorption isotherms generated by GCMC for different pore sizes and two pore geometries: slit and triangular. The adsorption isotherms of a virtual MGM solid were fitted with both the traditional Slit Geometry Model (SGM) and the Mixed Geometry Model (MGM). It is demonstrated that, by assuming a different pore geometry model from that of the real sample, different PSDs may be obtained by fitting adsorption isotherms of different probe gases. Finally, experimental results are shown which both point toward the MGM as an acceptable extension of the SGM and confirm that the MGM is a closer representation of the actual porous structure of most activated carbons.
机译:在这项工作中,讨论了通过使用独立的孔模型表征活性炭(AC)的方法,特别着重于假定的孔几何形状如何影响最终孔尺寸分布(rPSD)的问题以及单一性问题当在吸附实验中使用不同的探针分子时,PSD的变化。使用基于所谓的混合几何模型(MGM)的虚拟实体进行了理论测试(Azevedo等人2010)。米高梅使用由GCMC生成的吸附等温线的核用于不同的孔径和两个孔几何形状:狭缝和三角形。虚拟MGM固体的吸附等温线同时与传统的Slit Geometry模型(SGM)和Mixed Geometry模型(MGM)拟合。结果表明,通过假设与真实样品的孔几何模型不同,可以通过拟合不同探针气体的吸附等温线获得不同的PSD。最后,显示了实验结果,它们均指向MGM作为SGM的可接受扩展,并证实MGM更能代表大多数活性炭的实际多孔结构。



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