首页> 外文期刊>Ichnos: an international journal for plant and animal traces >Rediscovery of the Tagragra Tracksite (Maastrichtian, Agadir, Morocco): Agadirichnus elegans Ambroggi and Lapparent 1954 is Pterosaurian Ichnotaxon

Rediscovery of the Tagragra Tracksite (Maastrichtian, Agadir, Morocco): Agadirichnus elegans Ambroggi and Lapparent 1954 is Pterosaurian Ichnotaxon

机译:重新发现Tagragra Stracksite(Maastrichtian,Agadir,摩洛哥):Agadirichnus Elegans Ambrocgi和Lapagent 1954是Pterosaurian Ichnotaxon

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Discovered in 1954 by Ambroggi and Lapparent, the Tagragra tracksite (Maastrichtian, Agadir, Morocco) yielded tracks of theropod dinosaurs, birds and enigmatic forms tentatively attributed to Lacertilia under the name Agadirichnus elegans. The original specimens are today considered to be lost, and the status of A. elegans has been questioned, even though these footprints can retrospectively be referred to pterodactyloid pterosaur tracks. In order to discuss the status of these foot prints, the historical site has been actively sought and recently rediscovered by one of us (MdD). New material confirms the presence of pterodactyloid footprints, with two morphotypes, in two different facies, respectively associated with bird and theropod tracks. Morphotype I is tentatively conferred to Pteraichnus Stokes 1957, which extends the stratigraphical distribution of this ichnotaxon to the Maastrichtian. Morphotype II corresponds to the original ichnospecies A. elegans Ambroggi and Lapparent 1954, which is here reassessed as a valid ichnotaxon, with the designation of a neotype. Thus, A. elegans Ambroggi and Lapparent 1954 is historically the first pterosaurian ichnotaxon ever described.
机译:1954年由Ambrocgi和Lapparent(Maastrichtian,Agadir,Morocco)于1954年被发现,旨在临时恐龙,鸟类和神秘形式的曲目归因于Agadirichnus Elegans的名称下的Lacertilia。今天原始标本被认为是丢失的,并且即使这些足迹可以回顾性地称为翼状动词翼形龙轨道,也是质疑的。为了讨论这些脚印的地位,历史部位已经积极寻求并最近被我们其中一人重新发现(MDD)。新材料确认存在翼状动物脚印的存在,两种不同的相对于鸟类和Theropod轨道有两个不同的相。 Morphotype我暂时赋予Pteraichnus Stokes 1957年,这将这个Ichnotaxon的地层分布延伸到Maastrichtian。 Morphotype II对应于原始的ICHNOWEIES A. Elegans Ambrocgi和Lapparent 1954,其在这里重新评估为有效的ICHNotaxon,并指定新型。因此,A. elegans Ambrocgi和Lapagent 1954历史上是曾经描述过的第一个Pterosaurian Ichnotaxon。



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