首页> 外文期刊>Ichnos: an international journal for plant and animal traces >The Ichnogenus Kouphichnium and Related Xiphosuran Traces from the Steven C. Minkin Paleozoic Footprint Site (Union Chapel Mine), Alabama, USA: Ichnotaxonomic and Paleoenvironmental Implications

The Ichnogenus Kouphichnium and Related Xiphosuran Traces from the Steven C. Minkin Paleozoic Footprint Site (Union Chapel Mine), Alabama, USA: Ichnotaxonomic and Paleoenvironmental Implications

机译:来自史蒂文C.Minkin古生代足迹网站(Union Chapel Mine),美国,美国的Ichnogenus Kouphichnium及相关的二孢子痕迹:ICHNotaCoMic和古环境影响

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The ichnogenus Kouphichnium and associated ichnofossils attributed to xiphosuran activity are here re-examined from samples collected from the Pennsylvanian-age Steven C. Minkin Fossil Site at the Union Chapel Mine, in Walker County, Alabama, USA. The large sample size offers an unique opportunity to evaluate some Kouphichnium ichnospecies. Thus, the morphological variability resulting from the taphonomic, ethological, taxonomic variability and underprint fallout are evaluated using this large sample set. Three morphotypes have been segregated from the material previously assigned to K. aspodon discovered at this and adjacent sites. Ichnospecies of Kouphichnium identified at the Union Chapel Mine site include: K. lithographicum, K. aspodon and two new ichnospecies (K. atkinsoni and K. minkinensis). Additionally, Kouphichnium-like traces that are associated with ?jumper? traces have been previously misinterpreted as Kouphichnium and Selenichnites, respectively, and are excluded from this study, leaving them in open nomenclature as they will be the subject of a subsequent publication. We here redescribe the holotype of K. aspodon and designate lectoparatypes to better define the ichnospecies. New trace makers for some Kouphichnium ichnospecies are hypothesized, in contrast to the traditional xiphosuran attribution.
机译:归因于西普氏菌活性的Ichnogenus Kouphichnium和相关的InChnofosss归因于来自Union Chapel Mine的宾夕法尼亚州史蒂文C. Minkin Fossil站在美国阿拉巴马州的Hander County的宾夕法尼亚州史蒂文C. Minkin Fossil站点所收集的样品中。大型样本大小提供了评估一些Kouphichnium ICHNOWECIES的独特机会。因此,使用该大型样品套进行评估由术语,道德学,分类型变异性和下印刷产生的形态变异性。已经从先前分配给K.Aspodon的材料被偏析了三种Morothepes。 Union Chapel矿区鉴定的Kouphichnium的Ichnospecies包括:K.Lithoghtum,K.Absodon和两个新的ICHNOWECIES(K.Atkinsoni和K.Minkinensis)。另外,与跳线相关的Kouphichnium样迹线?痕迹以前分别被误解为Kouphichnium和Selenichnites,并且被排除在本研究之外,将它们留在开放的命名中,因为它们将成为后续出版物的主题。我们在这里重新评估了K.Aspodon的全型,并指定文章术语,以更好地定义ICHNOWETIME。与传统的XIPHOSURAN归因相比,一些Kouphichnium ICHNOWEIES的新痕量制造商是假设的。



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