首页> 外文期刊>Acta Veterinaria Brno >Presence of Anti-Toxocara Antibodies in Sheep from the State of Mexico

Presence of Anti-Toxocara Antibodies in Sheep from the State of Mexico


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Toxocariasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by the nematode Toxocara canis, and less frequently Toxocara cati, whose final hosts are the dog and cat, respectively. It is acquired by the ingestion of embryonated parasite eggs; the ingestion of meat from animals carrying cystic larvae plays a central role in this disease. The study was conducted in Ayapango, Mexico. Ninety-two sheep where used, of which 72 were females and 20 males. The total prevalence of anti-Toxocara antibodies was 15.21% (14/92), ranging from 17.24% in the one to six months age group to 14.28% in the group older sheep six months, with a higher percentage in females (19.44%) compared to males (5.0%), with a significant difference between positive males and females older than six months of age (Chi-square test = 4.22, P < 0.05). The prevalence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in sheep suggests that a high number of animals are infected with Toxocara spp. The consumption of meat from paratenic hosts, including sheep, is considered a means of transmission of toxocariasis to humans.
机译:弓形虫病是由线虫弓形虫(Toxocara canis)和弓形虫(Toxocara cati)引起的寄生虫人畜共患病,其最终宿主分别是狗和猫。它是通过摄取胚胎寄生虫卵而获得的。携带囊状幼虫的动物的肉食在这种疾病中起着重要作用。该研究在墨西哥的Ayapango进行。使用了九十二只绵羊,其中雌性为72只,雄性为20只。抗弓形虫抗体的总患病率为15.21%(14/92),从一到六个月大的羊群中的17.24%到六个月大的羊群中的14.28%不等,女性中的百分比更高(19.44%)与男性(5.0%)相比,年龄在六个月以上的阳性男性和女性之间有显着差异(卡方检验= 4.22,P <0.05)。抗弓形虫抗体在绵羊中的流行表明大量动物感染了弓形虫。食用包括绵羊在内的寄生虫宿主的肉被认为是向人类传播弓形虫病的一种手段。



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