首页> 外文期刊>Acta Veterinaria Brno >Comparison of continuous versus intermittent furosemide administration in dogs with acute heart failure

Comparison of continuous versus intermittent furosemide administration in dogs with acute heart failure


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Pulmonary oedema is a life-threatening condition which should be treated promptly in the emergency room with oxygen, cage rest, and diuretic therapy. Traditionally, bolus administration of furosemide is the treatment of choice. However, there is emerging information that continuous rate infusion might be more effective than bolus injections in relieving clinical signs and producing a lower rate of complications such as azotaemia, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances. We tested the effect of furosemide both in bolus (4-6 mg/kg intravenously) and continuous rate infusion (1 mg/kg/h) in 30 dogs that had been presented with fulminant pulmonary oedema during 2 days of hospitalization. No differences in the selected biochemical indicators between the groups were found. There were significant differences in blood urea nitrogen in the bolus injection group and creatinine and phosphorus in the continuous rate infusion group between days 1 and 2. The results of this study showed no differences in the approach of furosemide administration in the management of pulmonary oedema. Both methods may cause renal and electrolyte complications, however, further studies with a larger number of patients are recommended.
机译:肺水肿是危及生命的疾病,应在急诊室及时用氧气,笼罩休息和利尿剂治疗。传统上,快速注射速尿是一种选择的治疗方法。但是,越来越多的信息表明,连续速率输注在缓解临床体征和降低并发症如慢速性贫血,脱水和电解质失衡等方面可能比推注更有效。我们测试了速尿在静脉推注(4-6 mg / kg静脉内)和连续速率输注(1 mg / kg / h)对住院两天期间出现暴发性肺水肿的30只狗中的作用。在各组之间未发现所选生化指标之间的差异。在第1天和第2天之间,推注组的血尿素氮水平和连续速率输注组的肌酐和磷水平存在显着差异。本研究结果显示,在治疗肺水肿方面速尿的给药方法没有差异。两种方法都可能导致肾脏和电解质并发症,但是,建议对更多患者进行进一步研究。



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