首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Physics >Dynamics of the scalar shell in higher dimensions

Dynamics of the scalar shell in higher dimensions


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This paper investigates the dynamical evolution of thin-shell developed from a class of d-dimensional black holes. The components of stress-energy tensor of surface matter at thin-shell are evaluated through the Lanczos equations. The corresponding equations of motion and effective potential describe the expansion, collapse and saddle points. It is found that expanding and collapsing characteristics of the shell are enhanced for higherdimensional spacetimes. We also investigate the dynamics of thin-shell in the presence of massless and massive scalar fields. The evolutionary behavior of massless scalar shell is greatly affected by the black hole parameters. The massive scalar field indicates the oscillation of thin-shell for d = 5 with specific values of the parameters. This scalar shell shows collapse for higher-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter and quintessence manifolds while it indicates expansion for higher-dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了从一类D维黑洞开发的薄壳的动态演变。通过Lanczos方程评估薄壳上的表面物质的应力 - 能量张量的组分。相应的运动方程和有效潜力描述了扩展,崩溃和鞍点。发现壳体的扩展和塌陷特性增强了更高纬度的空间。我们还研究了大规模标量田地区存在薄壳的动态。黑洞参数的无麻子壳的进化行为极大地影响。大规模标量字段表示D = 5的薄壳振荡,具有参数的特定值。该标量Shell显示了高维Schwarzschild-de Sitter和Quintessence歧管的崩溃,同时表明它表明高维重新发射Nordstrom黑洞的扩展。 (c)2020 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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