首页> 外文期刊>Acta tropica: Journal of Biomedical Sciences >Theoretical levels of control as a function of mean temperature and spray efficacy in the aerial spraying of tsetse fly.

Theoretical levels of control as a function of mean temperature and spray efficacy in the aerial spraying of tsetse fly.


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The hypothetical impact of aerial spraying on tsetse fly populations is investigated. Spray cycles are scheduled at intervals two days short of the first interlarval period and halted once the last of the female flies that originated from pre-spray-deposited pupae have been sprayed twice. The effect of temperature on the aerial spraying of tsetse, through its reproductive cycle and general population dynamics, is of particular interest, given that cooler weather is preferred for the settling of insecticidal droplets. Spray efficacy is found to come at a price due to the greater number of cycles necessitated by cooler weather. The extra cost is argued to be worth while. Pupae, still in the ground at the end of spraying, are identified as the main threat to a successful operation. They are slightly more vulnerable at the low temperature extreme of tsetse habitat (16 degrees C), when the cumulative, natural pupal mortality is high. One can otherwise base one's expectations on the closeness with which the time to the third last spray approaches one puparial duration. A disparity of anything close to the length of a spray cycle advocates caution, whereas one which comes close to vanishing should be interpreted as being auspicious. Three such key temperatures, just below which one can anticipate an improved outcome and just above which caution should be exercised, are 17.146 degrees C, 19.278 degrees C and 23.645 degrees C. A refinement of the existing formulae for the puparial duration and the first interlarval period might be prudent in the South African context of a sympatric Glossina brevipalpis-Glossina austeni, tsetse population. The resulting aerial spraying strategy would then be formulated using a G. brevipalpis puparial duration and a G. austeni first interlarval period.
机译:研究了空中喷雾对采采蝇蝇种群的假想影响。计划在第一个卵期间隔两天的时间间隔开始喷雾周期,并在两次由预先喷雾沉积的ae产生的雌蝇最后的一次蝇灭后停止。鉴于采摘蝇的繁殖周期和总体种群动态,温度对采采蝇空中喷洒的影响尤为令人关注,因为更凉爽的天气对杀虫性飞沫的沉降较为有利。由于天气转凉需要更多的循环次数,因此发现喷雾功效的代价是高昂的。额外的费用被认为是值得的。 identified在喷药结束时仍留在地下,被认为是成功手术的主要威胁。当采采蝇生境的累积自然死亡率很高时,它们在采采蝇栖息地的低温极端(16摄氏度)下更加脆弱。否则,人们的期望可以基于到倒数第三次喷洒的时间接近一个产期的接近程度。任何接近喷涂周期长度的差异都应提倡谨慎,而接近消失的差异应被解释为是吉祥的。三个这样的关键温度分别是17.146°C,19.278°C和23.645°C,在该温度以下是可以预期改善的结果,应在该温度以上进行谨慎操作。在南非,采采蝇的同胞Glossina brevipalpis-Glossina austeni,这一时期可能是谨慎的。然后将使用短小G. pupuials持续时间和奥氏小种G. austeni第一间期来制定最终的空中喷雾策略。



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