首页> 外文期刊>Acta tropica: Journal of Biomedical Sciences >Parasitism by larval tapeworms genus Spirometra in South American amphibians and reptiles: new records from Brazil and Uruguay, and a review of current knowledge in the region

Parasitism by larval tapeworms genus Spirometra in South American amphibians and reptiles: new records from Brazil and Uruguay, and a review of current knowledge in the region


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Spargana are plerocercoid larvae of cestode tapeworms of the genus Spirometra, Family Diphyllobothriidae, parasitic to frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals. This parasitic disease in humans can be transmitted through the use and consumption of amphibians and reptiles. The available knowledge about Spirometra in South America is scarce, and there are only a few reports on the occurrence of sparganum in amphibians and reptiles, many of them published in old papers not easily available to researchers. In this work we present a review on this topic, provide new records in two species of amphibians and 7 species of reptiles from Brazil and Uruguay respectively. We also summarize current knowledge of Spirometra in the continent, along with an updated of host taxonomy. We could gather from the literature a total of 15 studies about amphibian and reptile hosts, published between 1850 and 2016, corresponding to 43 case reports, mostly from Brazil (29) and Uruguay (8), Argentina (3), Peru (2), and Venezuela (1); the majority of them related to reptiles (five lizards and 26 snake species), and 14 corresponded to amphibians (9 anurans). Plerocercoid larvae were located in different organs of the hosts, such as subcutaneous tissue, coelomic cavity, peritoneum, and musculature. The importance of amphibians and reptiles in the transmission of the disease to humans in South America is discussed. Relevant issues to be studied in the near future are the taxonomic characterization of Spirometra in the region and the biological risk of reptile meat for aboriginal and other rural communities. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:Spargana是Spirometra属的Cestode worm虫的拟除虫幼体,Diphyllobothriidae科,寄生于青蛙,爬行动物,鸟类和哺乳动物中。人类的这种寄生虫病可以通过使用和食用两栖动物和爬行动物来传播。关于南美螺旋藻的可用知识很少,只有两篇关于两栖动物和爬行动物中石笋发生的报道,其中许多报道发表在研究人员不容易获得的旧论文中。在这项工作中,我们将对此主题进行回顾,分别提供来自巴西和乌拉圭的两种两栖动物和7种爬行动物的新记录。我们还将总结该大陆目前对Spirometra的知识,以及最新的宿主分类法。我们可以从文献中收集到1850年至2016年之间发表的有关两栖动物和爬行动物宿主的15项研究,对应于43例病例报告,其中大多数来自巴西(29)和乌拉圭(8),阿根廷(3),秘鲁(2) ,和委内瑞拉(1);它们中的大多数与爬行动物有关(五个蜥蜴和26种蛇种),而14个与两栖动物相对应(9个无脊椎动物)。鞘膜幼虫位于宿主的不同器官中,例如皮下组织,腔腔,腹膜和肌肉系统。讨论了两栖动物和爬行动物在该疾病向人类传播方面的重要性。在不久的将来要研究的相关问题是该地区Spirometra的分类学特征以及原住民和其他农村社区的爬行动物肉类的生物风险。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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