首页> 外文期刊>Arid Ecosystems >Effect of Aleppo Pine Plantations ( Pinus halepensis) on the Transformation of the Semidesert Landscapes of Southeast Israel

Effect of Aleppo Pine Plantations ( Pinus halepensis) on the Transformation of the Semidesert Landscapes of Southeast Israel

机译:Aleppo松树种植园的影响(<重点型=“斜体”> Pinus halepensis )对以色列东南地区的景观景观改造

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Abstract Anthropogenically deserted landscapes of southeastern Israel and their transformation under the influence of forest plantations are discussed. The first planting of coniferous forests in this area was performed in the middle of the last century on the stony hills of the southern part of the Hebron Highlands (Negev Plateau). The main forest-forming species of newly created forests is the Aleppo pine ( Pinus halepensis ). The interaction between the soil parameters of the landscape and the state of pine plantations is considered. The decisive influence of needle litter on the growth and development of coniferous forests was revealed. An approach to the assessment of the state of landscapes with coniferous forests in the normal state and forest with impaired integrity was proposed.
机译:探讨了以色列东南部的人类生成的荒漠化景观及其在森林种植园影响下的转型。 这一领域的第一次种植针叶林在上个世纪中叶进行的希伯伦高地南部的石块山(Negev Hallau)。 新创造的森林的主要森林形成物种是Aleppo Pine(Pinus Halepensis)。 考虑了景观土壤参数与松树种植园之间的相互作用。 针凋落对针叶林生长和发展的决定性影响。 提出了一种评估正常州和森林在正常州和森林中具有损害性植物的景观状态的方法。



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