首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Botany >Seasonal dynamics of native and invasive Halophila stipulacea populations-A case study from the northern Gulf of Aqaba and the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Seasonal dynamics of native and invasive Halophila stipulacea populations-A case study from the northern Gulf of Aqaba and the eastern Mediterranean Sea

机译:天然和侵袭性嗜睡水平的季节性动态脂肪酸种群 - 以亚喀巴和东部地中海北湾的一个案例研究

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The tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea is native to the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Following the opening of the Suez Canal, H. stipulacea became a Lessepsian immigrant, spreading to most of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Its arrival in the Caribbean, where it has changed the local seagrass landscapes, has led to concerns about its potential effects on Mediterranean seagrass diversity. Surprisingly, morphological, growth, structural and demographic traits have never been quantitively compared between native and invasive populations of H. stipulacea. Aiming to deepen our understanding of the invasiveness potential of H. stipulacea, we recently established permanent monitoring transects at similar depths in both the native (Eilat, Israel) and invasive (Limassol, Cyprus) habitats. Samples were collected at both locations, four times during 2017 and were used for comparing morphological and growth traits (internode distance, leaf surface area) alongside structural and demographic traits (above and below ground biomass, percent cover, shoot density). Results show that above-ground biomass, shoot density and percent cover were higher year-round in Eilat than in Limassol, reaching a maximum in July (Eilat) and October (Limassol). Leaves in Eilat were larger than in Limassol but year-round, plants from Limassol had more apical shoots and larger internodes.
机译:热带海草嗜睡脂肪植物是红海,波斯湾和印度洋的原产。在苏伊士运河的开放之后,H.Tipulacea成为一个小型的移民,向大多数东地中海传播。它抵达加勒比海,改变当地海草风景,导致对地中海海草多样性的潜在影响。令人惊讶的是,从未在H.恒平的天然和侵入性群体之间定量了形态学,生长,结构和人口统计性状。旨在加深我们对H.恒舒培的侵袭潜力的理解,我们最近在原生(EILAT,以色列)和侵入性(利马索尔,塞浦路斯)栖息地的类似深度的永久监测横断面。在两种位置收集样品,在2017年进行四次,并且用于将形态学和生长性状(节间距离,叶片表面积)与结构和人口统计特征相比(以上和低于地面生物质,百分比盖,芽密度)。结果表明,在埃拉特在艾拉特在利马索尔举行的地上,拍摄密度和百分比较高,达到7月(埃拉特)和十月(利马索尔)的最大值。 EILAT的叶子比利马索尔大,但随时,Limassol的植物有更多的顶端射击和更大的间。



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