首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Mammals >Behavioral Responses of a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to a Series of Four Different Simulated Low-Frequency Sonar Sounds (1.33-1.43 kHz)

Behavioral Responses of a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to a Series of Four Different Simulated Low-Frequency Sonar Sounds (1.33-1.43 kHz)

机译:港口Porpoise(Phocoena Phocoena)的行为响应到一系列四种不同模拟的低频声音声音(1.33-1.43 kHz)

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Low-frequency sonar systems that produce sound in the 1.33 to 1.43 kHz frequency band are deployed from navy helicopters (HELRAS [Helicopter Long Range Active Sonar]) and vessels to detect submarines, and the sounds vary in spectrum, duration, and inter-pulse interval depending on the detection tasks. The sounds produced may affect the behavior of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) within a certain distance from the sound source. The goal of this study was to determine whether sonar sounds with four different harmonic contents and amplitude envelopes had different effects on harbor porpoise behavior. The sounds all had the same duration (1.25 s) and source level (107 dB re 1 mu Pa), and were produced in a series with regular inter-pulse intervals (14.4 s; duty cycle: 8%). A porpoise in a 12 x 8 m quiet pool was exposed to a 30-min series of each of the four sonar sounds (115 sounds/30 min). Mean received sound pressure level (SPL) in the pool was similar to 97 dB re 1 mu Pa for all exposures. During test sessions with each of the four sounds, the porpoise's mean distance to the transducer remained the same, and his swimming speed and number of surfacings (respirations) were only slightly higher than during baseline sessions without sounds. The downsweep caused a smaller behavioral effect than the continuous wave sounds. It is important to realize that the spectrum and SPL received by an animal determine whether it responds to a sound or not, and not the spectrum and SPL near a source.
机译:从海军直升机部署了1.33到1.43 kHz频段中发出声音的低频声纳系统根据检测任务的间隔。所产生的声音可能会影响港口Porpoises(Phocoena Phocoena)在距离声源一定距离内的行为。本研究的目标是确定有四种不同谐波含量和振幅包络的声纳声音是否对港口海豚行为产生不同的影响。声音全部都具有相同的持续时间(1.25秒)和源电平(107 dB RE 1 mu PA),并以规则的脉冲间隔(14.4秒;占空比:8%)生产。 12 x 8米安静池中的海豚暴露在四个声答的每一个30分钟内(115声音/ 30分钟)。池中的均值接收声压(SPL)类似于所有曝光的97 dB Re 1 mu Pa。在与四个声音中的每一个的测试期间,Porpoise与换能器的平均距离保持相同,并且他的游泳速度和表面的次数(呼吸)仅略高于没有声音的基线会话期间。下滑导致比连续波声音更小的行为效果。重要的是要认识到,由动物接收的频谱和SPL确定它是否响应声音,而不是源附近的光谱和SPL。



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