首页> 外文期刊>Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences >Two unique Byzantine immured lead-glazed relief ceramic icons and related tiles from the church of St Basil in Arta, Greece: investigation and interpretation of materials and techniques

Two unique Byzantine immured lead-glazed relief ceramic icons and related tiles from the church of St Basil in Arta, Greece: investigation and interpretation of materials and techniques


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St Basil's late Byzantine church in Arta (NW Greece) is unique among other surviving churches of the same era as a result of two glazed relief ceramic icons and arrays of square glazed tiles that decorate its external wall. The latter decorative items were carefully examined by means of analytical techniques in order to reveal the materials and techniques used for their manufacture and thus interpret their connection to the contemporary Byzantine and Italian ceramics. Analytical results indicate that lead plus quartz suspensions were employed for the fabrication of the majority of the glazes in the spirit of recipes for Italian Archaic majolica pottery, and thus they are differentiated from the common contemporary Byzantine products. Nonetheless, the raw materials used in the Arta area ceramics deviate substantially from those used in the Italian products and, possibly, a local (NW Greece) production is reflected. The unexpected rather rich variety of raw materials and/or techniques that underlies the visual uniformity of the glazed material in consideration might reflect selection of the best products generated upon experimentation with various contemporary technical alternatives. Finally, the decorative arrangement of the glazed items that we see today might reflect a way to circumventing original objections to the ceramic icon innovation.
机译:St Basil的Arta(NW希腊)的后期拜占庭教堂在同一时代的其他幸存教堂中是独一无二的,这是两个上釉的救济陶瓷图标和装饰外墙的方形玻璃瓷砖阵列。通过分析技术仔细检查后一种装饰物品,以揭示用于其制造的材料和技术,从而解释它们与当代拜占庭和意大利陶瓷的连接。分析结果表明,铅加石英悬浮液用于在意大利古代博物馆的食谱中制造大多数釉料,因此它们与普通的现代拜占庭产品不同。尽管如此,ARTA区域陶瓷中使用的原料基本上偏离了意大利产品中使用的原材料,并且可能反映了局部(NW希腊)的生产。意外相当丰富的原材料和/或技术考虑所考虑的釉料材料的视觉均匀性可能反映出根据各种当代技术替代品在实验时产生的最佳产品的选择。最后,我们今天看到的玻璃物品的装饰布置可能反映了一种对陶瓷图标创新来规避原始异议的方法。



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