首页> 外文期刊>Applied Soft Computing >A novel hybrid feature selection method based on dynamic feature importance

A novel hybrid feature selection method based on dynamic feature importance


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Feature selection aims to eliminate unimportant and redundant features or to select effective and interacting features. It is a challenging task to accurately measure the relationships of candidate features, the selected features and categories in the selection process, especially for high-dimensional and small-sample-size data. To this end, a new measure named Dynamic Feature Importance (DFI) is proposed, as well as its corresponding feature selection algorithm named Dynamic Feature Importance based Feature Selection (DFIFS). In order to obtain higher classification accuracy with smaller number of features, a newly Modified-Dynamic Feature Importance based Feature Selection (M-DFIFS) algorithm is developed by combining DFIFS with classical filters. Based on experiments with 14 public high-dimensional datasets, the lately M-DFIFS algorithm shows significantly better performance than five typical filter algorithms in terms of their average accuracy with acceptable computing time. When using random forest as the classifier, M-DFIFS brings a great advantage in the number decrease of selected features. Hence the new feature selection framework "Filter + DFIFS'' is verified very effective to solve problems of obtaining high accuracy with a few features. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:功能选择旨在消除不重要和冗余功能,或选择有效和交互功能。准确测量选择过程中的候选功能,所选功能和类别的关系,特别是对于高维和小样本大小数据是一项有挑战性的任务。为此,提出了一种名为动态特征重要性(DFI)的新度量,以及其具有基于动态特征重要性的特征选择(DFIF)的相应特征选择算法。为了获得具有较少数量的特征的较高分类精度,通过将DFIFS与经典滤波器组合来开发基于新修改的动态特征重要性的特征选择(M-DFIFS)算法。基于具有14个公共高维数据集的实验,最近的M-DFIFS算法在具有可接受的计算时间的平均精度方面显示出比五个典型的滤波算法明显更好。当使用随机林作为分类器时,M-DFIF在所选功能的数量减少中会带来很大的优势。因此,新的特征选择框架“滤波器+ dfifs”是非常有效的,可以解决与少数特征获得高精度的问题。(c)2020 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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