首页> 外文期刊>Advanced drug delivery reviews >Drug-lactose binding aspects in adhesive mixtures: Controlling performance in dry powder inhaler formulations by altering lactose carrier surfaces

Drug-lactose binding aspects in adhesive mixtures: Controlling performance in dry powder inhaler formulations by altering lactose carrier surfaces


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For dry powder inhaler formulations, micronized drug powders are commonly mixed with coarse lactose carriers to facilitate powder handling during the manufacturing and powder aerosol delivery during patient use. The performance of such dry powder inhaler formulations strongly depends on the balance of cohesive and adhesive forces experienced by the drug particles under stresses induced in the flow environment during aerosolization. Surface modification with appropriate additives has been proposed as a practical and efficient way to alter the inter-particulate forces, thus potentially controlling the formulation performance, and this strategy has been employed in a number of different ways with varying degrees of success. This paper reviews the main strategies and methodologies published on surface coating of lactose carriers, and considers their effectiveness and impact on the performance of dry powder inhaler formulations.



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