首页> 外文期刊>Acta phytotaxonomica et geobotanica: APG >Musa azizii, a New Musa Species (Musaceae) from Northern Borneo

Musa azizii, a New Musa Species (Musaceae) from Northern Borneo

机译:来自婆罗洲北部的新Musa物种(Musaceae)Musa azizii

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A new wild banana species, Musa azizii Hakkinen, is described and illustrated. The species is extremely rare, originating in the Lumut Range area of Sarawak, East Malaysia.Borneo has a large number of wild banana species, In 1902 an Italian botanist Dr. Odoardo Beccari was the first who described wild bananas from Borneo based on his studies in Sarawak during the period of 1865-68 (Beccari 1902). These descriptions were republished in Webbia (Martellil923). He described and named four species: Musa borneensis Becc., M. campestris Becc , M. hirta Becc. and M. microcarpa Becc. In 1967 Prof, Mitsuru Hotta described three new species, M. flavida M Hotta., M muluensis M. Hotta. and M. tuberculata M. Hotta based on his expeditions in Sabah Brunei and Northern Sarawakl 963-4 and mentioned "The number of the wild species of Musa in Borneo may count more that 10 or even 20, though only 5 species have been described up to present"(Hotta 1967). Simmonds, who never visited in Borneo, described M. beccarii Simmonds from a cultivated plant in Trinidad, which he grew from seeds imported from Sabah (Simmonds 1960) In 2000 Dr George Argent from Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh described M. monticola [Hotta ex] Argent and M. suratii Argent from Sabah (Argent2000). Then the author described five varieties of M campestris Becc., i.e., var., lawasensis Hakkinen, var. limbangensis Hakkinen, var. miriensis Hakkinen, var sabahensis Hakkinen, var. sarawakensis Hakkinen and gave notes for the var. campestris (Hakkinen 2003) Then the author described M. voonii Hakkinen (Hakkinen 2004) and M, bauensis Hakkinen & Meekiong (Hakkinen & Meekiong 2004). These author's descriptions are based on the expeditions in 2001, 2002 and 2004 in Borneo With the discovery of the newdescribed species M. azizii, the number of native Musa species in Borneo has increased to 15 excluding M. textilis Nee, which is an introduction in Borneo from the Philippines (Bishop & Curtler 1925, Marsh 1947).
机译:描述并举例说明了一种新的野生香蕉树种,Musa azizii Hakkinen。该物种极为罕见,起源于东马来西亚沙捞越州的卢穆特山脉地区。婆罗洲有大量野生香蕉,1902年,意大利植物学家奥多亚多·贝卡里(Odoardo Beccari)博士是第一位根据婆罗洲的研究描述野生香蕉的人。在1865-68年(贝卡利1902年)期间在沙捞越州居住。这些描述已在Webbia(Martellil923)中重新发布。他描述并命名了四个物种:芭蕉(Musa borneensis)Becc。,M. campestris Becc,M. hirta Becc。和Microcarpa Becc。 1967年,Mitsuru Hotta教授描述了三个新物种,M。flavida M Hotta。,M muluensis M. Hotta。和M. tuberculata M. Hotta基于他在沙巴文莱和北沙捞越州963-4的考察而得出的结论,他说:“婆罗洲的Musa野生物种的数量可能超过10甚至20种,尽管仅描述了5种呈现”(Hotta 1967)。从未在婆罗洲造访过的西蒙兹(Simmonds)描述了特立尼达的一种栽培植物西蒙德斯·西蒙兹(M. beccarii Simmonds),他从沙巴进口的种子中长出了这种植物(西蒙兹(Simmonds),1960年)。2000年,爱丁堡皇家植物园的乔治·阿根特(George Argent)博士描述了莫尼卡·莫蒂科拉(M. monticola [Hotta ex ]来自沙巴的Argent和M. suratii Argent(Argent2000)。然后,作者描述了野樟分枝杆菌的五个变种,即varas,lawasensis Hakkinen,var。肢体变种Hakkinen,var。 miriensis Hakkinen,sabahensis Hakkinen,var。 sarawakensis Hakkinen并给变种做笔记。 campestris(Hakkinen 2003)然后作者描述了M. voonii Hakkinen(Hakkinen 2004)和M. bauensis Hakkinen&Meekiong(Hakkinen&Meekiong 2004)。这些作者的描述基于2001年,2002年和2004年在婆罗洲的远征。随着新描述的物种M. azizii的发现,婆罗洲的本地Musa物种已增加到15个(不包括N. textilis Nee)。来自菲律宾的婆罗洲(Bishop&Curtler 1925,Marsh 1947)。



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