首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the American Association of Geographers >Encountering Misrecognition: Being Mistaken for Being Muslim

Encountering Misrecognition: Being Mistaken for Being Muslim


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Exploring both debates about misrecognition and explorations of encounters, this article focuses on the experiences of ethnic and religious minority young people who are mistaken for being Muslim in Scotland. We explore experiences of encountering misrecognition, including young people's understandings of, and responses to, such encounters. Recognizing how racism and religious discrimination operate to marginalize people-and how people manage and respond to this-is crucial in the struggle for social justice. Our focus is on young people from a diversity of ethnic and religious minority groups who are growing up in urban, suburban, and rural Scotland, 382 of whom participated in forty-five focus groups and 224 interviews. We found that young Sikhs, Hindus, and other south Asian young people as well as black and Caribbean young people were regularly mistaken for being Muslim. These encounters tended to take place at school, in taxis, at the airport, and in public spaces. Our analysis points to a dynamic set of interconnected issues shaping young people's experiences of misrecognition across a range of mediatized, geopoliticized, and educational spaces. Geopolitical events and their representation in the media, the homogenization of the south "Asian" community, and the lack of visibility offered to non-Muslim ethnic and religious minority groups all worked to construct our participants as "Muslims." Young people demonstrated agency and creativity in handling and responding to these encounters, including using humor, clarifying their religious affiliation, social withdrawal, and ignoring the situation. Redressing misrecognition requires institutional change to ensure parity of participation in society.
机译:本文探讨了关于误诊和探索的争论,这篇文章侧重于种族和宗教少数民族年轻人的经验,这些年轻人被误认为是苏格兰穆斯林。我们探讨遇到误传的经历,包括年轻人对此遭遇的响应和反应。认识到种族主义和宗教歧视如何运作以使人们边缘化 - 以及人们如何管理和回应这 - 这在社会正义的斗争中至关重要。我们的重点是来自城市,郊区和苏格兰农村的种族和宗教少数群体的年轻人,其中382名参加了四十五个焦点小组和224次采访。我们发现年轻的锡克教徒,印度教徒和其他南亚年轻人以及黑人和加勒比年轻人经常被误认为是穆斯林。这些遭遇倾向于在学校,出租车,机场和公共场所进行。我们的分析指出了一种动态的相互关联问题,塑造了年轻人跨越一系列调解,地区化和教育空间的误导的经历。地缘政治事件及其在媒体中的代表,南方“亚洲”社区的同质化,以及向非穆斯林民族和宗教少数民族群体提供的知名度均致力于构建我们的参与者作为“穆斯林”。年轻人在处理和应对这些遭遇的情况下展示了代理和创造力,包括使用幽默,澄清他们的宗教信仰,社会撤回和忽视这种情况。纠正误导需要制度变革,以确保参与社会的平等。



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