首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging >Comparison of Radiolabel Stability of Alternative Test Meals Using Tc-99m-DTPA in Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy

Comparison of Radiolabel Stability of Alternative Test Meals Using Tc-99m-DTPA in Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy


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Background: The use of radiolabeled test meals with scintigraphy is considered the gold standard for gastric emptying (GE) measurement. This study aimed to evaluate the stability and labeling efficiency of different test meals other than the standard low-fat, egg white sandwich using technetium-99m Tc-99m-DTPA. Methods: A 4.6 MBq dose of Tc-99m-DTPA was mixed with each alternative test meal, including scrambled eggs, cheese, oatmeal, or Ensure?. Each meal was then placed in a glass tube containing fresh human gastric juice. Samples of each meal were separated from the solid as well as from the liquid food; radioactivity before and after filtering was assayed in a dose calibrator. The percentage of initial radioactivity remaining with the mixed meal was then measured and compared.
机译:背景:使用闪烁的闪烁图的放射性标记测试粉被认为是胃排空(GE)测量的金标准。 本研究旨在使用TechNetium-99M TC-99M-DTPA评估不同测试膳食的稳定性和标记效率。 方法:将4.6MBQ剂量的TC-99M-DTPA与每顿替代测试膳食混合,包括炒鸡蛋,奶酪,燕麦片或确保吗? 然后将每顿饭置于含有新鲜人胃液的玻璃管中。 将每顿饭的样品与液体食物分离出来; 在剂量校准器中测定过滤前后的放射性。 然后测量并比较混合膳食剩余的初始放射性百分比。



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