首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Water Management >Comprehensive environmental impacts of fertilizer application vary among different crops: Implications for the adjustment of agricultural structure aimed to reduce fertilizer use

Comprehensive environmental impacts of fertilizer application vary among different crops: Implications for the adjustment of agricultural structure aimed to reduce fertilizer use


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Although empirical correlations between fertilizer application rate and nitrogen (N) loss have been demonstrated, the differences in overall environmental impacts of fertilizer application among different crops have not been thoroughly elucidated to date. We investigated the fate of N-15-labeled fertilizer in the plant-soil-air-water system across various crops (i.e., garlic, oilseed rape, and broad bean) by quantifying the N fluxes of various pathways combined with a pot experiment, a rainfall-simulating experiment, and N-15 tracer techniques. Hence, we compared the differences between different crops in the overall environmental impacts of fertilizer application. We found that N amount by plant uptake varied among these different crops but with little variation in fertilizer use efficiency (FUE). The residual N amounts in soil were significantly different in these crops due to statistically non-differential soil residual percentages, consistent with the differences in the application rate of N fertilizer and FUE. Further, evidently different overall environmental impacts of fertilizer application occurred among these crops, including gaseous loss of fertilizer N and potentially hydrologic loss of soil residual N from fertilizer. The highest gaseous N loss, including ammonia (NH3) volatilization and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions occurred in garlic system, and the lowest occurred in broad bean. Moreover, potentially hydrologic loss of soil residual N in the garlic system was higher than in the other two crop systems, and the least was observed in the broad bean system. Therefore, attempts to reduce fertilizer application could benefit from considering the difference in overall environmental impacts of fertilizer application between different crop systems. The shift from crops with high environmental impacts to that with low impacts can largely reduce the regional N pollution.
机译:尽管施肥率和氮气(N)损失之间的经验相关性已经证明,但迄今为止,不同作物中肥料应用的整体环境影响的差异并未彻底阐明。我们通过量化各种途径的N助焊剂与锅实验相结合,调查了各种作物(即大蒜,油菜,油菜和蚕豆)的植物 - 土壤 - 空气水系统中N-15标记肥料的命运。降雨模拟实验和N-15示踪技术。因此,我们将不同作物之间的差异进行了比较了肥料应用的整体环境影响。我们发现N植物摄取量在这些不同的作物中变化,但肥料使用效率几乎没有变化(FUE)。由于统计学非差异土壤残余百分比,这些作物中土壤中残留的N含量显着差异,与N肥料和FUE的施用率的差异一致。此外,显然,这些作物中发生了肥料应用的整体环境影响,包括来自肥料的肥料N的气体损失,潜在的土壤残留N.在大蒜系统中发生最高的气态损失,包括氨(NH 3)挥发和氧化二氮(N2O)排放,蚕豆中最低发生。此外,大蒜系统中的土壤残留N的潜在水文损失高于其他两种作物系统,并且在蚕豆系统中观察到最少。因此,减少肥料应用的企图可以受益于考虑不同作物系统之间施肥的整体环境影响的差异。从患有低撞击的庄稼与高影响的作物的转变可能在很大程度上降低了区域性的污染。


  • 来源
    《Agricultural Water Management》 |2018年第2018期|共10页
  • 作者单位

    Chinese Acad Agr Sci Inst Agr Resources &

    Reg Planning Minist Agr Key Lab Nonpoint Pollut Control Beijing 100081 Peoples R China;

    Chinese Acad Agr Sci Inst Agr Resources &

    Reg Planning Minist Agr Key Lab Nonpoint Pollut Control Beijing 100081 Peoples R China;

    Chinese Acad Agr Sci Inst Agr Resources &

    Reg Planning Minist Agr Key Lab Nonpoint Pollut Control Beijing 100081 Peoples R China;

    Chinese Acad Agr Sci Inst Agr Resources &

    Reg Planning Minist Agr Key Lab Nonpoint Pollut Control Beijing 100081 Peoples R China;

    Chinese Acad Agr Sci Inst Agr Resources &

    Reg Planning Minist Agr Key Lab Nonpoint Pollut Control Beijing 100081 Peoples R China;

    Chinese Acad Agr Sci Inst Agr Resources &

    Reg Planning Minist Agr Key Lab Nonpoint Pollut Control Beijing 100081 Peoples R China;

  • 收录信息
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 农业工程;
  • 关键词

    Nonpoint source pollution; Fertilizer N; N-15; Gaseous loss; Hydrologic loss; Overall environmental impacts;



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