首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Water Management >Optimizing the planting density under the ridge and furrow rainwater harvesting system to improve crop water productivity for foxtail millet in semiarid areas

Optimizing the planting density under the ridge and furrow rainwater harvesting system to improve crop water productivity for foxtail millet in semiarid areas


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The ridge and furrow rainwater harvesting (RFRH) planting system has many advantages for improving the use of water during dryland farming in semiarid areas, but the optimally matched planting density for maximizing the productivity of foxtail millet is not known. Therefore, field experiments were conducted during 2013-2015 to determine the soil water content with depth, evapotranspiration (ET), agronomic traits, grain yield, and crop water productivity under different planting densities when using RFRH planting (width of ridge and furrow is 60 cm, three rows were planted in furrow) compared with traditional flat planting. The results show that a high planting density would lead to soil drought conditions in the late reproductive growth stage, with reductions in individual plant traits and the harvest index (HI) in dry years. However, we found that RFRH planting could reduce ET and improve the soil water content at 0-120 cm soil layers in the jointing and filling stages, as well as mitigating the crop water deficit in the reproductive growth stage and the decreased HI caused by a high planting density. Compared with traditional flat planting, RFRH planting decreased the foxtail millet grain yield in the rainy year (2013) due to the relatively lower plant population, but it increased the yield in the normal rainfall years of 2014 and 2015, as well as significantly improving the crop water productivity by 7.9% and 14.0% under the optimized planting density, respectively. A relatively higher optimal planting density was always obtained in the furrows under RFRH planting compared with traditional flat planting in all three experimental years. Based on these results, we recommend increasing the planting density in the furrows to increase the grain yield and crop water productivity under RFRH planting, with a moderate planting density for foxtail millet (three rows in a 60 cm wide furrow and a plant spacing of 7.5 cm) in semiarid regions of China.
机译:山脊和沟壑雨水收获(RFRH)种植系统具有在半干旱区域旱地养殖期间改善水的使用许多优点,但是最佳地匹配的种植密度用于最大化Foxtail Millet的生产率。因此,在2013 - 2015年期间进行现场实验,以确定在使用RFRH种植时不同种植密度下的深度,蒸散量,籽粒产量和作物水生产率的土壤含水量(脊和沟的宽度为60与传统的平坦种植相比,厘米,三排)繁殖)。结果表明,高种植密度会导致晚期生殖生长阶段的土壤干旱条件,减少个体植物特征和干旱岁月的收获指数(HI)。然而,我们发现RFRH种植可以减少ET,并在连接和填充阶段的0-120厘米土层中的土壤含水量,以及减轻生殖生长阶段的作物水资源缺陷,并且由a引起的降低高种植密度。与传统的平坦种植相比,由于植物种群相对较低的植物种群,RFRH种植降低了雨季(2013年)的粪小米籽粒产量,但它增加了2014年和2015年正常降雨年龄的产量,并显着改善了优化的种植密度分别在优化的种植密度下作物水生产率7.9%和14.0%。与传统的平面种植在所有三个实验年份相比,在RFRH种植下的沟中总是获得相对较高的最佳种植密度。基于这些结果,建议提高沟渠中的种植密度,以提高RFRH种植下的籽粒产量和作物水产率,具有适度的福克斯小米的种植密度(60厘米的犁沟和7.5的植物间距。 CM)在中国半干旱地区。



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