首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Maternal Licorice Consumption During Pregnancy and Pubertal, Cognitive, and Psychiatric Outcomes in Children

Maternal Licorice Consumption During Pregnancy and Pubertal, Cognitive, and Psychiatric Outcomes in Children


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Earlier puberty, especially in girls, is associated with physical and mental disorders. Prenatal glucocorticoid exposure influences the timing of puberty in animal models, but the human relevance of those findings is unknown. We studied whether voluntary consumption of licorice, which contains glycyrrhizin (a potent inhibitor of placental 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, the "barrier" to maternal glucocorticoids), by pregnant women was associated with pubertal maturation (height, weight, body mass index for age, difference between current and expected adult height, Tanner staging, score on the Pubertal Development Scale), neuroendocrine function (diurnal salivary cortisol, dexamethasone suppression), cognition (neuropsychological tests), and psychiatric problems (as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist) in their offspring. The children were born in 1998 in Helsinki, Finland, and examined during 2009-2011 (mean age = 12.5 (standard deviation (SD), 0.4) years; n = 378). Girls exposed to high maternal glycyrrhizin consumption (>= 500 mg/week) were taller (mean difference (MD) = 0.4 SD, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.1, 0.8), were heavier (MD = 0.6 SD, 95% CI: 0.2, 1.9), and had higher body mass index for age (MD = 0.6 SD, 95% CI: 0.2, 0.9). They were also 0.5 standard deviations (95% CI: 0.2, 0.8) closer to adult height and reported more advanced pubertal development (P < 0.04). Girls and boys exposed to high maternal glycyrrhizin consumption scored 7 (95% CI: 3.1, 11.2) points lower on tests of intelligence quotient, had poorer memory (P < 0.04), and had 3.3-fold (95% CI: 1.4, 7.7) higher odds of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder problems compared with children whose mothers consumed little to no glycyrrhizin (<= 249 mg/week). No differences in cortisol levels were found. Licorice consumption during pregnancy may be associated with harm for the developing offspring.
机译:早期的青春期,特别是女孩,与身体和精神障碍有关。产前糖皮质激素曝光影响动物模型中青春期的时间,但这些结果的人类相关性未知。我们研究了含有甘草蛋白的甘草的自愿消费(胎盘11β-羟类脱氢酶脱氢酶2型,“母体糖皮质激素的”屏障“)与孕妇有关(高度,体重,体重指数)有关对于年龄,当前和预期成人高度的差异,Tanner分期,分数对普腾的发展规模,神经内分泌功能(昼夜唾液皮质醇,地塞米松抑制),认知(神经心理学检测)和精神病问题(由儿童行为清单衡量) )在他们的后代。孩子们于1998年出生于芬兰赫尔辛基,并在2009 - 2011年期间检查(平均年龄= 12.5(标准差(SD),0.4)年; n = 378)。暴露于高母体甘草蛋白消费(> = 500mg /周)的女孩(平均差异(MD)= 0.4 SD,95%置信区间(CI):0.1,0.8)较重(MD = 0.6 SD,95% CI:0.2,1.9),具有较高的体重指数(MD = 0.6 SD,95%CI:0.2,0.9)。它们还有0.5标准偏差(95%CI:0.2,0.8),更接近成人身高,报告更先进的青春期发育(P <0.04)。暴露于高母体甘草的女童和男孩在智能商的测试中得分为7(95%CI:3.1,11.2)点,记忆力较差(P <0.04),具有3.3倍(95%CI:1.4,7.7 )与儿童相比,注意力缺陷/多动障碍的可能性较高,其母亲少量少于甘草嗪(<= 249毫克/周)。没有发现皮质醇水平的差异。怀孕期间的甘草消费可能与发展后代的危害有关。



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