首页> 外文期刊>American journal of therapeutics >Unintentional Epinephrine Auto-injector Injuries: A National Poison Center Observational Study

Unintentional Epinephrine Auto-injector Injuries: A National Poison Center Observational Study


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Background: Epinephrine is the only first-line therapeutic agent used to treat life-threatening anaphylaxis. Epinephrine auto-injectors are commonly carried by patients at risk for anaphylaxis, and reported cases of unintentional auto-injector injury have increased over the last decade. Modifications of existing designs and release of a new style of auto-injector are intended to reduce epinephrine auto-injector misuse. Study Question: The aim of the study was to characterize reported cases of unintentional epinephrine auto-injector exposures from 2013 to 2014 and compare demographics, auto-injector model, and anatomical site of such exposures. Methods: The American Association of Poison Control Center's National Poison Data System was searched from January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2014, for cases of unintentional epinephrine autoinjector exposures. Anatomical site data were obtained from all cases reported to the Virginia Poison Center and participating regional poison center for Auvi-Q cases. Results: A total of 6806 cases of unintentional epinephrine auto-injector exposures were reported to US Poison Centers in 2013 and 2014. Of these cases, 3933 occurred with EpiPen, 2829 with EpiPen Jr, 44 with Auvi-Q, and no case reported of Adrenaclick. The most common site of unintentional injection for traditional epinephrine auto-injectors was the digit or thumb, with 58% of cases for EpiPen and 39% of cases with EpiPen Jr. With Auvi-Q, the most common site was the leg q(78% of cases). Conclusions: The number of unintentional epinephrine auto-injector cases reported to American Poison Centers in 2013-2014 has increased compared with previous data. Most EpiPen exposures were in the digits, whereas Auvi-Q was most frequently in the leg. Because of the limitations of Poison Center data, more research is needed to identify incidence of unintentional exposures and the effectiveness of epinephrine auto-injector redesign.
机译:背景:肾上腺素是用于治疗危及生命的过敏性的唯一一线治疗剂。肾上腺素自动注射器通常是患者对过敏性的患者携带,并且报道的无意的自动喷射器损伤病例在过去十年中增加。对现有设计和释放新型自动注射器的修改旨在减少肾上腺素自动喷射器误用。研究问题:该研究的目的是从2013年到2014年开始表征报告的无意肾上腺素自动注射器暴露,并比较人口统计,自动注射器模型和这种曝光的解剖部位。方法:从2013年1月1日,2014年1月1日至2014年12月31日,美国毒物控制中心国家毒药数据系统的案例是非目的的肾上腺素自动注射器暴露。从弗吉尼亚毒物中心报告的所有病例和参与AUVI-Q病例的参与区域毒物中心获得解剖网站数据。结果:2013年和2014年美国毒药中心共6806例无意的肾上腺素自动注射器暴露。在这些情况下,3933例,EPIPEN,2829例,EPIPEN JR,44带AUVI-Q,没有报告adrenaclick。传统肾上腺素自动注射器的最常见的术语现场是数字或拇指,患有58%的EPIPEN病例和39%的患有EPIPEN JR的病例。与AUVI-Q,最常见的网站是腿Q(78 %案例)。结论:与以前的数据相比,2013 - 2014年向美国毒药中心报告的无意肾上腺素自动注射器案件的数量增加。大多数epipen曝光都在数字中,而Auvi-Q最常见于腿部。由于毒物中心数据的局限性,需要更多的研究来识别无意暴露的发病率和肾上腺自动喷射器重新设计的有效性。



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