首页> 外文期刊>Allergy and asthma proceedings >Genetics/epigenetics/allergy: The gun is loaded ... but hat pulls the trigger?

Genetics/epigenetics/allergy: The gun is loaded ... but hat pulls the trigger?

机译:Genetics / Epigenetics / Allerygy:枪被装入...但帽子拉动扳机?

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Background: The allergic diseases comprise a group of chronic inflammatory conditions that display a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations primarily mediated by immnunoglobulin E (IgE). The prevalence and severity of these IgE-mediated allergic disorders have increased dramatically over the past few decades and are becoming a global health problem. Although genetics plays an important role in determining who develops these atopic disorders, genetics alone cannot fully explain this rapid growth. Results of numerous studies have indicated that epigenetics plays a major pathogenetic role by superimposing its effects above the DNA primal genetic molecule through interactions with and between various susceptibility genes, immunologic influences, and environmental factors.
机译:背景:过敏性疾病包含一组慢性炎症条件,其显示主要由Immnunoglobulin E(IgE)介导的临床表现的广谱。 在过去的几十年里,这些IgE介导的过敏性疾病的患病率和严重程度急剧增加,正在成为全球性健康问题。 虽然遗传学在确定谁发展这些特应性疾病方面发挥着重要作用,但仅遗传学不能完全解释这种快速增长。 许多研究的结果表明,通过与各种易感基因,免疫影响和环境因素之间的相互作用叠加其高于DNA原遗传分子的影响,表观遗传学发挥了重要的致病作用。



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