首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Integration of the nasal complex: Implications for developmental and evolutionary change in modern humans

Integration of the nasal complex: Implications for developmental and evolutionary change in modern humans


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Objectives: Assessing the strength of integration among different regions of the modern human nasal complex is important for developing a more thorough understanding of the determinants of nasal morphology. Given the morphogenetic influence of cartilage on adjacent intramembranous growth sites, the interaction between chondrocranial- versus intramembranous-derived nasal structures may have a significant influence on patterns of nasal variation. The purpose of this study is to examine integration between the chondrocranial- and intramembranous-derived regions of the nasal complex. Materials and methods: Using computed tomograph (CT) scans, we collected three-dimensional coordinate landmark data from a static adult sample (n562). First, using centroid size, and the symmetric and asymmetric components of shape variation, we examined the strength of integration between landmarks representing chondrocranial-derived structures (e.g., ethmoid, external nasal cartilages) and landmarks representing intramembranous-derived structures (nasal floor, anterior nasal aperture, etc.). Second, given that the strength of integration is a relative measure, we compared integration between chondrocranial- and intramembranous-derived structures to the more modularized external and internal regions of the nasal complex. Results: There was significant moderate morphological integration between chondrocranial- versus intramembranous-derived regions of the nasal complex. Moreover, integration between chondrocranial- versus intramembranous-derived structures was consistently stronger when compared to external versus internal regions for both the symmetric and asymmetric components of variation. Thus, more covariation within the nasal complex could be explained by the relationship between chondrocranial- and intramembranous-derived structures. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the interaction between chondrocranial- and intramembranous-derived structures may be an important determinant in



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