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A Summary of the First HIV Microbiome Workshop 2015


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The role of microbiota in the pathogenesis of HIV infection has become the subject of intense research in recent years. A rapidly growing amount of data suggest that microbial dysbiosisin the gut or the genital tractcan influence HIV transmission and/or disease progression; however, a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved is lacking. To better understand the relationship between the microbiome and HIV infection, investigators from a wide variety of disciplines, including those working in basic and clinical HIV studies, cardiovascular disease, reproductive health, and bioinformatics, gathered at the first International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment, at NIH on 7 and 8 April, 2015.
机译:Microbiota在艾滋病毒感染发病机制中的作用已成为近年来激烈研究的主题。 迅速增长的数据量表明微生物缺乏肠道肠道或生殖器慢率影响HIV透射和/或疾病进展; 然而,更深入地了解所涉及的机制。 为了更好地了解微生物组和艾滋病毒感染之间的关系,来自各种学科的调查人员,包括基础和临床艾滋病毒研究,心血管疾病,生殖健康和生物信息学的那些,聚集在艾滋病毒发病机制的第一次国际研讨会上。 ,预防和治疗,在2015年4月7日和8日的NIH。



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