首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >A review of the sustainability of Jatropha cultivation projects for biodiesel production in southern Africa: Implications for energy policy in Botswana

A review of the sustainability of Jatropha cultivation projects for biodiesel production in southern Africa: Implications for energy policy in Botswana


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Jatropha camas L. biofuel development is considered a strategy for achieving energy security, climate change mitigation, foreign exchange savings and economic development. This paper reviews the experiences of some southern African countries with the impacts of Jatropha biofuel development on sustainability, with a view to providing lessons for biofuel development policy for Botswana. The review has shown that most of the large commercial plantations planned to produce jatropha seed for home consumption and export were not economically viable mainly due to low seed yield, high cost of production, delayed production and uncompetitive feedstock prices. On the other hand, smallholder-based jatropha biofuel projects were economically viable due to their low input costs. Analysis of social impacts showed that jatropha production has been associated with loss of rights to land, low compensation levels, and compromised food security where land and other production inputs were diverted from food crops to jatropha production. Positive social impacts in some countries included increased employment opportunities and incomes. Jatropha production is associated with environmental impacts such as loss of biodiversity, high water requirements and high carbon debts resulting from conversion of land. Positive environmental impacts included high energy return on investment and high GHG savings when Jatropha is cultivated on abandoned agricultural fields as revealed by research in some parts of West Africa. Policy considerations for the Government of Botswana include: providing support to biofuel projects at their early stage of development, discouraging large plantation business models until such time that research in Botswana produces high seed-yielding Jatropha varieties, introducing legal safeguards for protection of land rights of local communities, and ensuring that land-use change and high carbon debts are minimized as they have adverse impacts on biodiversity and climate change.
机译:Jatropha Camas L.生物燃料发展被认为是实现能源安全,气候变化缓解,外汇储蓄和经济发展的战略。本文综述了一些南方非洲国家在麻醉品生物燃料发展对可持续发展的影响,以为博茨瓦纳提供生物燃料发展政策的教训。该评论表明,大多数大多数大型商业种植园生产用于家庭消费和出口的麻风树种子在经济上不可行,主要是由于种子产量低,生产成本高,生产延迟生产和非竞争力的原料价格。另一方面,由于其投入成本低,基于小型的Jatropha生物燃料项目在经济上是可行的。社会影响分析表明,麻醉药的生产与土地,低补偿水平和损害的粮食安全损失有关,土地和其他生产投入从食物作物转移到麻醉药生产。一些国家的积极社会影响包括更多的就业机会和收入。麻风树生产与环境影响有关,如生物多样性,高水需求和造成土地的高碳债务,造成的高碳债务。积极的环境影响包括在遗弃的农业领域培养时,在西非的一些地区揭示的废弃农业领域培养时,节省了高能的投资和高温室气体节约。博茨瓦纳政府的政策考虑因素包括:在其早期发展阶段提供支持,劝阻大型种植园商业模式,直到博茨瓦纳研究的时间产生高种子产量的麻风树品种,引入了保护土地权利的法律保障措施当地社区,确保土地使用变化和高碳债务最小化,因为它们对生物多样性和气候变化产生了不利影响。



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